This page contains everything you need to know for giving an oral presentation at the workshop taking place at ECMWF's headquarters in Reading from 10-12 April. 

Important notes

  • Prepare your slides in 16:9 widescreen ratio.
  • Send your slides to in advance of your talk (at least 24 hours) so we can load them to the laptop in the Lecture Theatre and have a copy as back-up. Please save your presentation with the file name: Waves-WS_yoursurname
  • Allow sufficient time for questions within your time slot.
  • We plan to publish your slides after your talk and will convert them to PDF format for this purpose. If you would like to provide a modified version of your presentation for publication, please notify
  • Presentations will be live-streamed and recorded. The recordings will be published online for viewing on demand. If you have any issue with this, contact

Event platform

All workshop information will be published on our event platform; this includes, the programme, speaker abstracts, posters and presenter biographies. You have been allocated a presentation page on the event platform which will contain your abstract and biography. A recording of your talk and your presentation slides will be published on this page after you have given your talk. Registered participants will be able to make comments on your presentation page.

Questions from the audience

There are two audiences; the in-person attendees in the Lecture Theatre and a virtual audience who will follow the live stream. Only the in-person attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions. When someone raises their hand to ask a question, they will be given a roving microphone to ensure those following the live stream can hear the question. The microphone is essential for the recording and for the remote audience to be able to hear questions. If someone asks a question without waiting for the roving microphone, please repeat the question for the benefit of the recording and those watching the live stream.  

The importance of time

Please keep to time. A countdown timer will be available to help with time management. The session chair may interrupt you if you overrun. As the workshop is being livestreamed, the virtual audience may be tuning in to watch a specific presentation in the programme and will expect us to be on time.

On the day of your presentation

During the break preceding your talk, check with the AV technicians in the Projector Booth that your presentation is ready. There will be a microphone on the stage or the session chair will give you a lapel microphone and a clicker to move the slides forwards/backwards.

Technical assistance

ECMWF is working with OneTwo, our AV technician partner, to deliver the workshop. If you need to speak to a technician during the workshop, please visit the Projection Booth during one of the breaks. The Projection Booth is located at the back of the Lecture Theatre just outside the main doors.



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