This page contains everything you need to know for giving a remote oral presentation at the workshop. 

Important notes

  • Prepare your slides in 16:9 widescreen ratio.
  • You will join a Zoom meeting to give your presentation. Further details are given below in the "Technical guidelines".
  • Send your slides to in advance of your talk. Even if you intend to share your screen to present your slides, we require a copy as back-up preferably at least 24 hours before your talk.
  • If you would like the technician to share your slides during your presentation, please notify, otherwise we assume you will share your screen to present. See note below regarding presentation options.
  • If you are providing pre-recorded content, we need to receive an MP4 file at least 24 hours before your talk.
  • We plan to publish your slides after your talk and will convert them to PDF format for this purpose. If you would like to provide a modified version of your presentation for publication, please notify
  • Presentations will be livestreamed and recorded, and will be published online for viewing on demand. If you have any issue with this, contact
  • You have the opportunity to attend a test Zoom call with an AV technician on Wednesday 10 April at 09:00 BST.

Event platform

You have been allocated a presentation page on the event platform which will contain your abstract and biography. A recording of your talk and your presentation slides will be published on this page after you have given your talk. As you will not have the traditional interactions over refreshments and networking, we would appreciate you making use of the event platform to interact with attendees via the comments on your presentation page.

Questions from the audience

The in-person attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions when you finish your presentation. The session chair will be physically present at the workshop and you will be able to see and hear them when you join the Zoom meeting.

When someone wants to ask a question they will be given a roving microphone; you will be able to hear any audio coming through the microphone.

If there is not enough time to take all questions, we will encourage attendees to post any questions in the “comments” at the bottom of your dedicated presentation page on the event platform. You will receive an email when a comment or question is posted on your presentation page. 

Technical guidelines

ECMWF is working with OneTwo, our AV technician partner, to deliver the workshop. Please read the important information below which will help you get set up in advance whilst also minimising delays on the day.

  • Remote speakers must join the Zoom meeting to give their presentation (link above).
  • A technician will be available in Zoom to help.
  • Your presentation will be livestreamed.
  • You will be able to see and hear what is happening at the venue in Reading as the camera feed and audio is fed back into the Zoom call.

If you have not used Zoom before

  • Join the Zoom test meeting:
    Follow the instructions to test your video and audio (if your browser prompts you to open Zoom, please click “Allow”). Best results are achieved with a wired headset microphone if you have one. Please do not use a Bluetooth/wireless headset.

Location, location, location!

Find a suitable location for your presentation. Whether at home or in an office, please consider the following:

  • If you have a good quality wired headset mic then please use this.
  • Don’t set up in front of a window as the light behind you will put you in silhouette.
  • Find a quiet location.
  • Use a wired internet connection if you can.
  • If using WiFi then make sure you are as close as possible to your router and have a mobile hotspot available as back up.

There are three presentation options.

  1. You can present the talk live by sharing your screen.
  2. You can present live but have the AV technician share your slides. You will need to indicate when to move on to the next slide. If you would like the technician to share your slides, please advise
  3. You can pre-record your talk and send us an MP4 file. You will still need to join Zoom to respond to questions at the end. We need to receive pre-recorded content at least 24 hours before your talk and you should test the recording runs correctly throughout.

In order to save bandwidth and processing power, close all unnecessary applications on your device before your presentation starts. If your connection is very unstable, we recommend you pre-record your presentation. There are many ways to record a presentation on your computer and then save an mp4 video file. During your scheduled presentation, we will play your recorded talk. You will still need to join Zoom to answer questions at the end of your presentation. Please note, we need any pre-recorded content at least 24 hours in advance of your talk.

Please keep to time allowing for any questions. The session chair may interrupt you if you overrun. To help keep an eye on the time for your presentation, make use of the timer in Zoom. We recommend 'pinning' the timer before your talk begins. To do this:

  1. Hover or click on the 'Timer' thumbnail
  2. Click the three dots in the top right of the thumbnail
  3. Click 'Pin'. This will turn on the pin and keep the 'Timer' thumbnail at the top of your gallery
  4. To remove the pin, click the three dots again and 'Remove pin'

Depending on the number of people in the call, you may not see 'Timer' in your gallery. If this is the case, click the 'View' button (top right), then click 'Gallery view', then scroll through the thumbnails until you find 'Timer', then follow the instructions above.

  1. Use the Zoom link to join.
  2. Log in early! Join Zoom during the break preceding your talk, or if your talk is in the first session of the day, at least 15 minutes before the start of the session. This will allow us to deal with any last-minute technical issues and talk through how the session will run.
  3. Ensure your video is switched on.
  4. Ensure your microphone is muted - we will ask you to unmute your microphone at the appropriate time.
  5. We may mute your mic again when you’ve finished speaking.
  6. Ensure your mic is unmuted when you want to speak.

If you have chosen to share your screen, here are some tips to save time when sharing your screen.

  • Clean your desktop if you will be showing it.
  • Turn on Focus Assist mode in Windows to reduce notifications. Or turn on Do Not Disturb mode if you are using a Mac.
  • Close programmes, applications and any windows you are not using.
  • If you are using the Zoom desktop app, close your web browser. If you need your browser open, close the tabs you are not using.
  • If you want to draw attention to something on your slides, turn your mouse into a laser pointer.
  • When you have finished your presentation, end your screen sharing before the Q&A session starts so the audience can see you.

Only join Zoom for the session in which you are presenting. You should view the other sessions via the livestream.

Do not have the livestream open while you are in Zoom, as you may hear delayed audio back on yourself.

Technical issues or questions during the event?

Any other questions?

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