Discussion of temperature forecast products and colour scales, particularly for extreme temperatures. 


  1. Hello

    I hope everyone is well.

    Thank you very much to ECMWF.
    everyone here is doing a great job.. hope everyone is always happy.

    Excuse me.. I have an "idea" or "question" about The desert temperatures or Maximum temperatures.

    As you know, the temperature in the desert is very high, and it is very dangerous. It usually starts from 35°C to 54°C.

    In ECMWF, Usually, temperature forecasts are given in aggregate, I mean: all temperatures "low and high temperatures" are shown in one map.

    But, In the summer there is a very big problem of "high temperatures", why not have independent maps of high temperatures, to protect communities from extreme temperatures.

    For example, The high temperatures in the desert, which usually start at 35 and end at 54 degrees Celsius.

    I suggest: issuing independent maps, with the name "Desert Temperature Index Or Maximum temperatures".

    Or assign a new "color key" that only shows extreme temperatures "between 35°C to 54°C"

    There is a scientific paper in this regard, which I submitted to the European Center, several years ago.
    I think this is the most appropriate time to take advantage of that.

    We "I mean, the people who live in the desert" are used to the high temperatures. But, In Europe, the United States, and Canada, there are many peoples who cannot live in temperatures "like desert temperatures".

    Just, simply, This is the idea and the question.

    If you don't have a problem, I'm ready to build a map related to "High Temperatures or Desert Temperature Index ", just for clarity.
    I'll post the map here.. By "Metview".

    This has been my job for several years, my daily life in the desert made me a specialist in monitoring the "desert air mass".

    Perhaps, this idea saves many innocent people.

    finally, If the meteorologist interprets the weather phenomena correctly, society will make the right decisions.

    Thank you very much, Rebecca Emerton.

    Best Regards

    1. Hi Khaled Hamdan Salim al Rogi- thank you very much for your comment and feedback on this topic. I believe this is something that we can discuss at ECMWF, but I am hoping to first understand more about which products you are currently using.

      Could you provide some information on which temperature forecasts you use specifically? We have a range of products/maps through our open charts on the website, and also through ecCharts for some of our users, and it would be helpful for us to understand which of these you are recommending to improve, so that we can focus our discussion on the correct forecasts. 

      Additionally, if you have a link to the scientific paper you mentioned, I would be interested to read this. 

      Best wishes, Rebecca

  2. Thank you very much, Dr. Rebecca Emerton.

    I mean these maps "Forecast: Temperatures at 2m" .

  3. Regarding predictions, I usually work on the numerical model "GFS" and other NWP.

    But sometimes, I use "ECMWF IFS CY41r2 - ECMWF Operational 6-hourly atmospheric surface analysis dataset product" "By NCAR-UCAR" platform.

    Yes, I am using the Metview software package.

    This example about "Desert Temperature Index" or "The Maximum Temperature at 2m of Desert Air Mass."

  4. Now, We have a clear goal: the Maximum temperatures.

    The desert temperature is very high and has significant impacts on societies.

    We must clarify it with a new Index, which describes and identifies this high temperature.
    It is active in the Arabian Peninsula, northwest India, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, North Sudan, the Sahara, and North Africa. Between months: May to September.

    Everyone is watching the temperature forecast using the “official maps publish by the European Center” In fact, unfortunately, these maps do not show the “extremely hot” or where it will be.

    But, by using the "Desert Temperature Index" Everyone will know “where the dangerous temperatures will be” and prepare well for it.

    Look at the severe impact on Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, UAE!

    Of course, These extreme temperatures are associated with significant Power outages.

    Finally, there is very little scientific interest regarding the "extreme temperatures" in the desert, it is very influential and extends over extensive areas, it may expand in its spread in the future and reach Europe. This is possible.

    Regarding the scientific paper, I sent it via e-mail to the officials of the European Center.

    I am ready to support you in this matter. If you would like me to republish the paper again and add more ideas, it would be my pleasure.

    As a teacher, I am a volunteer in this field, we live in the desert, and we know very well how to deal with Desert Temperature.

    Sorry for the length.

    Best Regards.

    1. Hi Khaled Hamdan Salim al Rogi - thank you for the additional information. So, if I understand correctly, you are using our openly available 2m temperature charts, such as this one? These maps indicate temperatures up to 56°C, which aims to show where the temperatures will be extremely hot. I hope to understand better the problems with these maps with your help. Am I correct in understanding that your recommendation would be to modify the colour scale to provide more detail, with smaller intervals for each colour? (such as in the second map you included)

      You may also be interested in this recent article in our newsletter, which describes some forecasts we are developing for thermal heat stress, which takes into account the effect of the weather (extreme heat, wind, humidity and more) on the human body. These forecasts are not yet available but are in development at ECMWF: https://www.ecmwf.int/en/newsletter/162/news/heat-health-hazard-index-based-ecmwf-data 

      Best wishes, Rebecca

  5. Color key: "Desert Temperature Index" for Metview software.

    NEW-Desert Temperature index at 2m.zip

  6. Thank you very much.

    I apologize for the late reply.. sorry.
    I was having trouble accessing the site..now everything is fine.

    Yes, that's right, that's what I really mean.

    There is an urgent need for that.

    I am pleased with this interaction. Thank you very much.

    I have many ideas, and I will share them with you later.

    Best Regards

  7. Hello,

    Thank you for your work.

    In "Temperature of various pressure levels", a same range colours is used for all levels.
    This is perfect for bottom levels but for high levels, we are lost some informations with an inadequate contrast, for example at 300 hPa :

    Sylvie Lamy-Thepaut saw two solutions : create several palettes or improve the contrast of the current colors.

    But ECMWF may be provide two options for users : a static palette (the current) and a dynamic palette according the level (to create). I hope this.

    Best regards,

    1. Hi stephane iri - thank you very much for your comment and feedback regarding the colour palettes. Definitely there is an issue with the contrast of the colours for some of the levels, and we're working on improving the colour scales for temperature products in a way that will work well for all levels. We have included your comment and suggestion in our discussions on this topic and will be considering this as we make progress on creating new / improved colour palettes. I will endeavour to post an update here when any changes or updates are made. Best wishes, Rebecca