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  1. Hello,

    I download the hindcast data that is available on the sub-daily/daily seasonal forecast catalog through cds-api.

    In my script, i request the data in netcdf format. but it seems the conversion is not successful as I understand from the documentation there is no guarantee that it will always succeed.

    I try to convert the files by myself, but I also find difficulties in this.

    always fails with ncl or cdo, because it is not cf compliant.

    I tried also, the grib_to_netcdf tool but i still have the error "ECCODES ERROR:  Input does not contain any field. Exiting!"

    Is there any suggestion for converting and reading the downloaded files?

    Thank you,


  2. Hi Yassmin Hesham Hanfi Mahmoud - thanks for reaching out with your question. For the best way to get technical help with a specific data download issue, I would recommend visiting our ECMWF Support Portal where you can create a ticket for technical support. This will direct your question to the right person at ECMWF to help you directly and resolve this issue (through this discussion Forum we can't direct you to the right person or log a ticket for technical support).

    The support portal is at this link: https://confluence.ecmwf.int/site/support

    If you click on 'charts and data' cloud icon, and then 'scientific or technical question about our products (create ticket)' green icon, this should be the best way to efficiently get help with this question!  

    I hope this helps, Rebecca