These forums are for users of the OpenIFS models only. To learn more about OpenIFS, see the OpenIFS home page.

See How to post to the OpenIFS forums . An ECMWF web account is required to post.

Please do not post queries that are unrelated to the OpenIFS models to this forum. It is for OpenIFS users only!

For queries and discussions about any other ECMWF products and services (e.g. software & tools, datasets & usage, training & workshops, etc) please post to the ECMWF Forum.

Please ask questions and add discussion to the OpenIFS user forums. We encourage community contributions.

The OpenIFS support team monitor the forums, the response is the same as using the support email.

Permissions errors when creating new forum posts:

Several of our users have reported that they are no longer permitted to generate new forum posts. This issue is due to a recent upgrade of the underlying software suite and we are in the process to implement a solution. 

Please contact OpenIFS Support either via email or by raising a support query if you want to create a new post but have no permissions to do so.

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