The OpenIFS team at ECMWF are pleased to announce the release of OpenIFS 43r3v2.  This is an updated version of the first release of OpenIFS based on IFS Cycle 43R3, the ECMWF operational model from 11/July/2017 to 5/June/2018.  For information on installation of the model and usage please see the OpenIFS 43r3 User Guide.

The source code for OpenIFS 43r3v2 is now available from the password protected ECMWF ftp site. If you do not have access but have a license, please contact

Anyone wishing to use OpenIFS must have a OpenIFS license (see the list of Licensed Institutes).

Please see the OpenIFS 43r3v2 Release Notes for full details about this model release.  Release notes for the first version OpenIFS 43r3v1 are also available.

Due to difficulties with resources and the covid situation, this release was unfortunately much delayed. We are immensely grateful to those users who provided feedback, improvements and for the patience of everyone else!

This will be the final version of OpenIFS 43r3. A new version based on an up-to-date IFS cycle is in preparation.


Please report any queries or problems with this release to either the public OpenIFS User Forums (preferred) or privately to

Personal note

As I'm retiring from ECMWF, this will be my last release of OpenIFS to the community, having produced OpenIFS with IFS cycles 38, 40 and 43.  I would like to thank everyone who's used the model and contributed to the project. I will greatly miss working with many of you and pleased to have seen the community around ECMWF OpenIFS grow to the size it has now.

Glenn Carver - OpenIFS Project Manager.