Links for migration to BUFR and WIGOS Station Identifiers


Migration wiki page

TAC to BUFR migration includes information from ECMWF and other centres, including data availability page (updated from time to time).


BUFR decoding packages

Data sources

Current BUFR data are available from various WMO Global Information System Centres (GISCs), of which Tokyo GISC is the most convenient. The easiest approach is to select 'WMO Format' - 'Select and browse' and then specify 'Data type' - BUFR, 'Subcategory' - TEMP (bulletins with 'Access'=Open can be downloaded by anyone). Either leave Location empty (for global data) or specify the required country (eg Spain; Spain and many other European countries provide high resolution upper-air data). The resulting link can be simplified to: and if you know the indicator and want data for a particular date/time: For GTS purposes the bulletins are known by their identifier (which starts IU for BUFR Upper Air data, eg IUSA05) and their indicator or collecting centre (eg LEMM - Madrid, a list can be found at Location Indicators used in the Abbreviated Heading). As with other web sites details of the URLs may change over time.

There is currently no openly available long-term archive of radiosonde BUFR data although data has been provided to NCEI and the Copernicus Climate Data Store and access is expected in 2018. There is an archive of US High Vertical Resolution Radiosonde Data in NetCDF format. This page also links to other archives (UK and GRUAN).

Observation monitoring

February 2018