Let us have a look at ecflowview, this provide the GUI for ecFlow.
On the unix prompt type ecflowview.

Once the program is up:

You can now select the ecflow_server from the main Server menu on ecflowview.
You should get something similar to the following display :

The yellow boxes are called nodes. With the middle mouse button click on the node test.

You can now view the ecf script, the job file and the output of the task t1.
For that click on the node t1, then press on the script icon. A window should open showing
the task script:
To see the job file or the output simply click on the tabs.
If you want to see the output in a different window, click on the output icon.

If we want to rerun the suite, move the mouse pointer over test and click on the right mouse button.

A pop-up menu will appear. Choose requeue (If the menu does not offer a requeue option,
select Preferences... in the Edit menu and set the User level to Administrator)
You will notice that the node‘s change colour.
The colours reflect the status of the nodes.
We have seen that ecflowview uses the three buttons of the mouse to perform different actions.
The following figure show how the mouse buttons are used in ecflowview:

It is possible to walk the server tree displayed with ecflowview with keyboard keys:


Task nodes may have icons visible:

  1. byrule task was completed by rule (complete expression)
  2. cmd_failed ECF_JOB_CMD failed
  3. edit_failed invalid script leading to inability to edit the script (missing micro % character ?)
  4. force_abort task was forced aborted by a user
  5. killed task was killed following a request by a user
  6. no_script_found script missing for task (ECF_HOME incorrect, ECF_FILE incorrect, or no script visible to this task under ECF_HOME or ECF_FILE directory)
  7. queue_limit task cannot be started due to a queue limit
  8. task_aborted task aborted
  9. user_edit user edited the script and submitted it

What to do:

  1. Explore ecflowview menus and windows