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The derivatives are computed with a second order finite-difference approximation. The resulting fieldset contains two fields for each input field: the zonal derivative followed by the meridional derivative. The output fields are bitmapped on the poles (they contain missing values there). Please note that this function is only implemented for regular latitude-longitude grids.


Please be aware that in versions before Metview 5.6.0 the order of the fields is wrong the resulting fieldset of gradient(). Instead of the correct order that should look like this:

[gradx_f1, grady_f1, gradx_f2, grady_f2, ....]

the following order is produced:

[gradx_f1, gradx_f2,..., grady_f1, grady_f2, ....]

At the moment, Metview 5.6.0 is only available at ECMWF (as metview/dev).

list grib_get (fieldset, list)
list grib_get (fieldset, list, string)
