Versions Compared


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In contrast to the Acceptance Test this does not require an interactive session on the Cray's postprocessing node. We will submit the model experiment as a batch job.

Part 1 – Control Experiment

We will use a pre-compiled and pre-installed version of OpenIFS 43r3. 

We will carry out a control experiment with a duration of six days, starting on 25 Sep 2016 00h00, using the model with cubic octahedral grid at horizontal resolution T399.

Preparing the Model

In your working group you should login to the RACC cluster and login to the ECMWF HPCF with your training account ID.


Code Block
% ls
399_4@          ICMSHh7ccINIT  master.exe   sfcwindin        wam_namelist
ICMCLh7ccINIT   cdwavein       oifs_run     specwavein       wam_subgrid_0
ICMGGh7ccINIT   fort.4         rtables/     uwavein          wam_subgrid_1
ICMGGh7ccINIUA  ifsdata@       run.ccb      wam_grid_tables  wam_subgrid_2

The file

Part 2 – Perturbation Experiment