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For this to succeed the size of the box and it's movement direction and movement rate need to be defined.  Note that the picture below is only illustrative and the shown box does not reflect the default values set in the model. 

[ Picture ]Image Added

Namelist control of the perturbation box domain

The parameters of the box are defined in the namelist NAMLHBOX in fort.4.

Code Block

  LBOXMODIFY_CLOUD=true,    ! enable cloud scheme T tendency
  LBOXMODIFY_CONV=true,     ! enable convection T tendency
  LBOXMODIFY_RAD=true,      ! enable radiation T tendency

  ZBOXTIMESTART=0.,         ! box start time in hours
  ZBOXTIMEEND=96.,          ! box end time in hours

  ZBOXLONWEST=295.7,        ! box western longitude boundary in degrees
  ZBOXLONEAST=305.7,        ! box eastern longitude boundary in degrees
  ZBOXLATSOUTH=28.8,        ! box southern latitude boundary in degrees
  ZBOXLATNORTH=38.8,        ! box northern latitude boundary in degrees

  ZBOXPRESSTOP=20000.,      ! box top level pressure in Pa (eg. 50000Pa)
  ZBOXPRESSBOT=90000.,      ! box bottom level pressure in Pa (eg. 90000Pa)

  ZBOXDLONBORDER=5.,        ! box longitude interpolation zone width in degrees
  ZBOXDLATBORDER=5.,        ! box latitude interpolation zone width in degrees
  ZBOXDPRSBORDER=5000.,     ! box pressure interpolation zone width in Pa

  ZBOXDLON=-0.667,          ! change in box longitude in degrees/hour
  ZBOXDLAT=0.333,           ! change in box latitude in degrees/hour

  ZBOXVALUE=1.0,            ! value of the multiplying factor inside the box
