Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • ecfFlow consists of two tar files i.e.:  

    • boost_1_71_0.tar.gz (or any recent boost)

    • ecFlow-5.3.0-Source.tar.gz

      Create a directory for the build:

      Code Block
      mkdir /tmp/ecflow_build

  • Copy the the two tar file into this directory, then change directory to /tmp/ecflow_build

  • Un-zip then un-tar the two file files:

    Code Block
    tar -zxf boost_1_71_0.tar.gz
    tar -zxf ecFlow-5.3.0-Source.tar.gz

  • You should have two directories created:

    Code Block

  • Create two environment variables. These are used by some of the scripts:

    Code Block
    export WK=/tmp/ecflow_build/ecFlow-5.3.0-Source
    export BOOST_ROOT=/tmp/ecflow_build/boost_1_71_0

  • If you have a module system, please ensure that before you start, gcc,cmake,python3,etc are available in $PATH.

    Code Block
    module load gnu
    module load cmake
    module load python3
    module load qt

Build boost

In future releases of ecflow 5 series, the client/server versions of ecflow do not have to be built with the same boost version. This is because ecflow 5  now uses JSON for client/server communication.

  • Boost uses bjam for building the boost libs.
    bjam source is available in boost, hence we first need to build bjam itself:

    Code Block
    cd $BOOST_ROOT

  • If you do not require the ecFlow python api, you can avoid building boost python libs by setting

    Code Block
    titleDisable boost python, if ecflow PYTHON api not required
    export ECF_NO_PYTHON=1
