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This icon takes data from a GRIB source and performs a variety of operations on it, including spectral to grid conversion, regridding using a large variety of powerful and flexible interpolation techniques, nabla operators and special consideration of wind fields.

This module is designed with re-use in mind. The first time a particular interpolation is performed, it might take some time to compute, but it will create cache files that can be re-used, meaning that the same interpolation will be much faster on subsequent runs.

The macro/python language equivalent is regrid(). The listed parameters can all be supplied as named parameters with the spaces replaced by underscores, e.g. nearest_method='sorted_sample'.


GUIPython / MacroResult
1/1[1, 1]A regular lat/lon grid with 1x1 degree point spacing
0.25/0.25[0.25, 0.25]A regular lat/lon grid with 0.25x0.25 degree point spacing
O1280"O1280"An octahedral reduced Gaussian grid, octahedral with 1280 latitude lines between the pole and equator
N640"N640"An 'original' reduced Gaussian grid, with 640 latitude lines between the pole and equator
F400"F400"A regular Gaussian grid, with 400 latitude lines between the pole and equator



Specifies a the geographical area over which to carry out the interpolationthat the output fields will cover, the default being for the whole globe. Enter coordinates ( lat/lon ) bounds of an area separated by a "/" (North/West/South/East), or in Macro or Python provide a list, e.g. [northsouth, west, southnorth, east]; alternatively, use the assist button to define the area graphically. 

For example, this set of parameters generates the following output data:

Code Block
t01 = mv.regrid(
    grid     = [0.1,0.1],
    area     = [31,-17,64,38],
    data     = t_2m


Image Added


Needs to be checked!


  • UV To UV: assumes that the input files come in pairs of U/V. The resulting values will be scaled by the cosine of their latitudesThis option is required if regridding wind fields on/to a rotated grid.
  • VOD To UV: assumes that the input files come in pairs of vorticity and divergence. The resulting values will be scaled by the cosine of their latitudes.


Provide the desired number of bits per value for the output fields. If left empty, this will take the value from the input fields. This option can also be used to simply change the number of bits per value in a Fieldset if no other processing options are given. Note that if Packing  is set to ieee, then the only valid values for this parameter are 32 and 64.
