Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • cmake (   install cmake   (sudo apt-get install cmake)).   Need at least cmake/3.13.4
  • g++     (   install g++        (sudo apt-get install g++))   ecflow 5 series can only be built with C++14 or later  compilers. i.e. at the minimum gcc 6.3 or clang 6.0.
  • Python 3(optional)

    If you intend to use ecFlow Python API, You will need to install Python. (install python-dev (sudo apt-get install python-dev))

    Please ensure that python is accessible on $PATH otherwise, you may need to customise $BOOST_ROOT/tools/build/v2/site-config.jam . 

    The python installation should include the development packages

    If you do not need the python API, then you can build without it, see below.
  • Qt for ecFlowUI (Qt5 mandatory).
    For self-installed Qt libraries, consider setting CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH (see below). See also for further details.
  • OpenSSL(optional)
  • sphinx(optional), this is used to generate ecflow python API

Setting up the build environment


  • creating a file called servers
  • The format of the server's file is very easy:

    Code Block
    titleserver file format
    <server_name> <machine_name> <port>

    An example might be:

    Code Block
    titleservers file
    server      machineX   3141
    projectX    machineabc 4141
    exp1        machineabc 4141
    mars        bigmac     11031

  • Copy this file to CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/share/ecflow/.   This makes the list of servers accessible to all users of ecflow_ui

    Code Block
    cp servers /tmp/avi/custom/ecflow/5.5.3/share/ecflow/.

Python API

The most up to date python API documentation can be generated. This requires that sphinx-build is available on $PATH.


This step relies on build being complete .i.e must have been built or installed

Code Block
cd $WK
cd Doc/online
make clean; make html

The api can then be viewed in the browser. Please open file $WK/Doc/online/_build/html/index.html