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Longitudes range from 0 to 360, which is equivalent to -180 to +180 in Geographic coordinate systems.

Temporal frequency

Analyses of atmospheric fields on model levels, pressure levels, potential temperature and potential vorticity, are available every 6 hours at 00, 06, 12,  and 18 UTC. Forecasts run twice at 00 and 12 UTC and provide 3 hours output for surface and pressure level parameters up to 24 hours, with decreasing frequency to 10 days.

Image Removed

Wave spectra

The ERA-Interim atmospheric model is coupled ocean-wave model resolving 30 wave frequencies and 24 wave directions at the nodes of its reduced

1.0^{\circ}\times 1.0^{\circ}

latitude/longitude grid.

Spatial reference systems

The ECMWF model assumes the Earth is a perfect sphere, but the geodetic latitude/longitude of the surface elevation datasets are used as if they were the spherical latitude/longitude of the ECMWF model.

ECMWF data is referenced in the horizontal with respect to the WGS84 ellipse (which defines the major/minor axes) but in the vertical it is referenced to the Geoid (EGM96).

Earth model

For data in GRIB1 format (as is the case with ERA-Interim data) the earth model is a sphere with radius = 6367.47 km, as defined in the WMO GRIB Edition 1 specifications, Table 7, GDS Octet 17

For data in NetCDF format (i.e. converted from the native GRIB format to NetCDF), the earth model is inherited from the GRIB data.

Temporal frequency

Analyses of atmospheric fields on model levels, pressure levels, potential temperature and potential vorticity, are available every 6 hours at 00, 06, 12,  and 18 UTC. Forecasts run twice at 00 and 12 UTC and provide 3 hours output for surface and pressure level parameters up to 24 hours, with decreasing frequency to 10 days.

Image Added

Wave spectra

The ERA-Interim atmospheric model is coupled ocean-wave model resolving 30 wave frequencies and 24 wave directions at the nodes of its reduced

1.0^{\circ}\times 1.0^{\circ}

latitude/longitude grid.

titleDecoding 2D wave spectra

Download from ERA-Interim

Wave data can be downloaded using the same mechanisms as atmospheric data. Please see How to download data via the ECMWF WebAPI

For wave spectra you need to specify the additional parameters 'direction' and 'frequency'.

titleClick here to see a sample script to download 2D wave spectra from ERA-Interim using the ECMWF WebAPI

Code Block
#!/usr/bin/env python
from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer
server = ECMWFDataServer()
    "class": "ei
titleDecoding 2D wave spectra

Download from ERA-Interim

Wave data can be downloaded using the same mechanisms as atmospheric data. Please see How to download data via the ECMWF WebAPI

For wave spectra you need to specify the additional parameters 'direction' and 'frequency'.

titleClick here to see a sample script to download 2D wave spectra from ERA-Interim using the ECMWF WebAPI
Code Block
#!/usr/bin/env python
from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer
server = ECMWFDataServer()
    "class": "ei",
    "dataset": "interim",
    "dataset": "interim",
    "expver": "1",
    "stream": "wave",
    "type": "an",
    "date": "2016-01-01/to/2016-01-31",
    "time": "00:00:00/06:00:00/12:00:00/18:00:00",
    "param": "251.140",
    "direction": "1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24",
    "frequency": "1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30",
    "target": "2d_spectra_201601",

If you want to download the data in NetCDF format, please add the 'format' and 'grid' parameters:

Code Block
#!/usr/bin/env python
from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer
server = ECMWFDataServer()
    "grid": "0.75/0.75", # Spatial resolution in degrees latitude/longitude
    "format": "netcdf"
    "target": ""

Decoding 2D wave spectra in GRIB

To decode wave spectra in GRIB format we recommend ecCodes. Wave spectra are encoded in a specific way that other tools might not decode correctly.

In GRIB, the parameter is called 2d wave spectra (single) because in GRIB, the data are stored as a single global field per each spectral bin (a given frequency and direction), but in NetCDF, the fields are nicely recombined to produce a 2d matrix representing the discretized spectra at each grid point.

The wave spectra are encoded in GRIB using a local table specific to ECMWF. Because of this, the conversion of the meta data containing the information about the frequencies and the directions are not properly converted from GRIB to NetCDF format. So rather than having the actual values of the frequencies and directions, values show index numbers (1,1) : first frequency, first direction, (1,2) first frequency, second direction, etc ....

For ERA, because there are a total of 24 directions, the direction increment is 15 degrees with the first direction given by half the increment, namely 7.5 degree, where direction 0. means going towards the north and 90 towards the east (Oceanographic convention), or more precisely, this should be expressed in gradient since the spectra are in m^2 /(Hz radian)
The first frequency is 0.03453 Hz and the following ones are : f(n) = f(n-1)*1.1, n=2,30

Also note that it is NOT the spectral density that is encoded but rather log10 of it, so to recover the spectral density, expressed in m^2 /(radian Hz), one has to take the power 10 (10^) of the NON missing decoded values. Missing data are for all land points, but also, as part of the GRIB compression, all small values below a certain threshold have been discarded and so those missing spectral values are essentially 0. m^2 /(gradient Hz).

Decoding 2D wave spectra in NetCDF

The NetCDF wave spectra file will have the dimensions longitude, latitude, direction, frequency and time.

However, the direction and frequency bins are simply given as 1 to 24 and 1 to 30, respectively.

The direction bins start at 7.5 degree and increase by 15 degrees until 352.5, with 90 degree being towards the east (Oceanographic convention).

The frequency bins are non-linearly spaced. The first bin is 0.03453 Hz and the following bins are: f(n) = f(n-1)*1.1; n=2,30. The data provided is the log10 of spectra density. To obtain the spectral density one has to take to the power 10 (10 ** data). This will give the units 2D wave spectra as m**2 s radian**-1 . Very small values are discarded and set as missing values. These are essentially 0 m**2 s radian**-1.

This recoding can be done with the Python xarray package, for example:

Code Block
import xarray as xr
import numpy as np
da = xr.open_dataarray('')
da = da.assign_coords(direction=np.arange(7.5, 352.5 + 15, 15))
da = da.assign_coords(frequency=np.full(30, 0.03453) * (1.1 ** np.arange(0, 30)))
da = 10 ** da
da = da.fillna(0)

Units of 2D wave spectra

Once decoded, the units of 2D wave spectra are m2 s radian-1


titleTable 14

Dataset nameObservation typeMeasurement
SYNOPLand stationSurface Pressure, Temperature, wind, humidity
METARLand stationSurface Pressure, Temperature, wind,humidity
DRIBU/DRIBU-BATHY/DRIBU-TESAC/BUFR Drifting BuoyDrifting buoys10m-wind, Surface Pressure
BUFR Moored BuoyMoored buoys10m-wind, Surface Pressure
SYNOP SHIPship stationSurface Pressure, Temperature, wind, humidity
Land/ship PILOTRadiosondeswind profiles
American Wind ProfilerRadarwind profiles
European Wind ProfilerRadarwind profiles
Japanese Wind ProfilerRadarwind profiles
TEMP SHIPRadiosondesTemperature, wind, humidity profiles
DROP SondeAircraft-sondesTemperature, wind profiles
Land/Mobile TEMPRadiosondesTemperature, wind, humidity profiles
AIREPAircraft dataTemperature, wind profiles
AMDARAircraft dataTemperature, wind profiles
ACARSAircraft dataTemperature, wind profiles, humidity
WIGOS AMDARAircraft dataTemperature, wind profiles
Ground based radarRadar precipitation compositesRain rates

Computation of near-surface humidity and snow cover

Near-surface humidity

Near-surface humidity is not archived directly in ERA datasets, but the archive contains near-surface (2m from the surface) temperature (T), dew point temperature (Td), and surface pressure[1] (sp) from which you can calculate specific and relative humidity at 2m:

  • Specific humidity can be calculated over water and ice using equations 6.4 and 6.5 from Part IV, Physical processes section (Chapter 6, section 6.6.1b) in the documentation of the IFS for CY31R1. Use the 2m dew point temperature and surface pressure (which is approximately equal to the pressure at 2m) in these equations.
  • Relative humidity should be calculated: RH = 100 * es(Td)/es(T)

The relative humidity can be calculated with respect to saturation over water, ice or mixed phase by defining es(T) with respect to saturation over water, ice or mixed phase (water and ice). The usual practice is to define near-surface relative humidity with respect to saturation over water.

[1] Access to surface pressure varies by dataset. For example, for ERA-Interim surface pressure is available from the Web Interface and from the WebAPI, while for ERA-40 surface pressure is not available from the Web Interface, but only via the WebAPI.

Snow Cover

In the ECMWF model (IFS), snow is represented by an additional layer on top of the uppermost soil level. The whole grid box may not be covered in snow. The snow cover gives the fraction of the grid box that is covered in snow. The method for calculating snow cover depends on the particular version of the IFS and for ERA-Interim is computed directly using snow water equivalent (ie parameter SD (141.128)) as:

titleERA5 Snow cover formula

snow_cover (SC) = min(1, RW*SD/15 )

where RW is density of water equal to 1000 and RSN is density of snow (parameter 33.128).

The Physical depth of snow where there is snow cover is equal to RW*SD/(RSN*SC) where RSN = density of snow (parameter 33.128). For more in depth information see:



Computation of near-surface humidity and snow cover

Near-surface humidity

Near-surface humidity is not archived directly in ERA datasets, but the archive contains near-surface (2m from the surface) temperature (T), dew point temperature (Td), and surface pressure[1] (sp) from which you can calculate specific and relative humidity at 2m:

  • Specific humidity can be calculated over water and ice using equations 6.4 and 6.5 from Part IV, Physical processes section (Chapter 6, section 6.6.1b) in the documentation of the IFS for CY31R1. Use the 2m dew point temperature and surface pressure (which is approximately equal to the pressure at 2m) in these equations.
  • Relative humidity should be calculated: RH = 100 * es(Td)/es(T)

The relative humidity can be calculated with respect to saturation over water, ice or mixed phase by defining es(T) with respect to saturation over water, ice or mixed phase (water and ice). The usual practice is to define near-surface relative humidity with respect to saturation over water.

[1] Access to surface pressure varies by dataset. For example, for ERA-Interim surface pressure is available from the Web Interface and from the WebAPI, while for ERA-40 surface pressure is not available from the Web Interface, but only via the WebAPI.

Snow Cover

In the ECMWF model (IFS), snow is represented by an additional layer on top of the uppermost soil level. The whole grid box may not be covered in snow. The snow cover gives the fraction of the grid box that is covered in snow. The method for calculating snow cover depends on the particular version of the IFS and for ERA-Interim is computed directly using snow water equivalent (ie parameter SD (141.128)) as:

titleERA5 Snow cover formula

snow_cover (SC) = min(1, RW*SD/15 )

where RW is density of water equal to 1000 and RSN is density of snow (parameter 33.128).

The Physical depth of snow where there is snow cover is equal to RW*SD/(RSN*SC) where RSN = density of snow (parameter 33.128). For more in depth information see:

Surface elevation and orography

In ERA-Interim, and often in meteorology, altitudes (the altitude of the land and sea surface, or specific altitudes in the atmosphere) are not represented as geometric altitude (in metres above the spheroid), but as geopotential height (in metres above the geoid). However, ECMWF archive the geopotential (in  m2/s2), not the geopotential height.

In order to calculate the geopotential height of the land and sea surface (the so called surface geopotential height, or orography):

In order to define the surface geopotential in ERA-Interim, the ECMWF model uses surface elevation data interpolated from GTOPO30, with some fixes for Antarctica and Greenland. See Chapter 10 Climatological data, of Part IV. Physical processes, of the ERA-Interim model documentation at


  • The surface geopotential is also available on model levels (at level=1), where it is archived in spectral form.
  • Over oceans the surface geopotential field shows 'spectral ripples' (Know issue KI6, see ERA-Interim known issues page for details), which are a reflection of the fact that the ERA-Interim model is a spectral model and the grid point surface geopotential has been spectrally fitted.
  • The model levels are hybrid pressure/sigma, eg for ERA-Interim. See Chapter 2 Basic equations and discretization of Part III. Dynamics and numerical procedures, of the ERA-Interim model documentation at
  • The definition of the 60 model levels, for  ERA-Interim, and the corresponding half-level, ph, and full-level, pf, values of pressure (for a standard atmosphere with a surface pressure of 1013.250 hPa), geopotential and geopotential heights can be found at http




Known issues

Please see the ERA-Interim known issues page for guidance and workarounds.
