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titleList of parameters

Capacity of Soil to Store Water (Field Capacity)*
CDS parameter name for CMIP6

 ESGF variable id

CDS parameter name for CMIP5


Near-Surface Air Temperaturesurface air temperature


2m temperature


Daily Maximum Near-Surface Air Temperaturemaximum near-surface air temperature


Maximum 2m temperature in the last 24 hours


Daily Minimum Near-Surface Air Temperatureminimum near-surface air temperature


Minimum 2m temperature in the last 24 hours 


Surface TemperaturetemperaturetsSkin temperatureKelvin
Sea Level Pressurelevel pressurepslMean sea level pressurePa
Surface Air Pressureair pressurepsSurface pressurePa
Eastward Nearnear-Surface Windsurface winduas10m u component of winds-1
Northward Nearnear-Surface Windsurface windvas10m v component of winds-1
Near-Surface Wind Speedsurface wind speedsfcWind10m wind speeds-1
Near-Surface Relative Humiditysurface relative humidityhurs2m relative humidity1
Near-Surface Specific Humiditysurface specific humidityhuss2m specific humidity1
PrecipitationprMean precipitation fluxkg m-2s-1
Snowfall FluxfluxprsnSnowfall

kg m-2 s-1

Evaporation Including Sublimation sublimation and TranspirationtranspirationevspsblEvaporation

kg m-2 s-1

Surface Downward Eastward Wind Stressdownward eastward wind stresstauuEastward turbulent surface stressPa
Surface Downward Northward Wind Stressdownward northward wind stresstauvNorthward turbulent surface stressPa
Surface Upward Latent Heat Fluxupward latent heat fluxhflsSurface latent heat fluxW m-2
Surface Upward Sensible Heat Fluxupward sensible heat fluxhfssSurface sensible heat fluxW m-2 
Surface Downwelling Longwave Radiationdownwelling longwave radiationrldsSurface thermal radiation downwardsW m-2
Surface Upwelling Longwave Radiationupwelling longwave radiationrlus

Surface upwelling longwave radiation

W m-2
Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiationdownwelling shortwave radiationrsds

Surface solar radiation downwards

W m-2
Surface Upwelling Shortwave Radiationupwelling shortwave radiationrsus

Surface upwelling shortwave radiation

W m-2
TOA Incident Shortwave Radiationincident shortwave radiationrsdt

TOA incident solar radiation

W m-2
TOA Outgoing Shortwave Radiationoutgoing shortwave radiationrsutTOA outgoing shortwave radiationW m-2
TOA Outgoing Longwave Radiationoutgoing longwave radiationrlutTOA outgoing longwave radiationW m-2
Total Cloud Cover Percentagecloud cover percentagecltTotal cloud cover1
Air TemperaturetemperaturetaAir temperatureK
Eastward WindwinduaU-component of winds-1
Northward WindwindvaV-component of winds-1
Relative HumidityhumidityhurRelative humidity1
Specific HumidityhumidityhusSpecific humidity 1
Geopotential HeightheightzgGeopotential heightm
Surface Snow Amountsnow amountsnwSurface snow amountkg m-2
Snow DepthdepthsndSnow depthm
Total RunoffrunoffmrroRunoffkg m-2 s-1
Moisture in Upper Portion of Soil Columnupper portion of soil columnmrsosSoil moisture contentkg m-2
Sea-Ice Area Percentage (Ocean Gridarea percentage (ocean grid)siconcSea-ice area percentage1
Sea Ice ThicknessthicknesssithickSea ice thicknessm
Sea-Ice Mass mass per AreaareasimassSea ice plus snow amountkg m-2
Surface Temperature temperature of Sea sea IcesitemptopSea ice surface temperatureK
Sea Surface Temperaturesurface temperaturetosSea surface temperatureK
Sea Surface Salinitysurface salinitysosSea surface salinityPSU
Sea Surface Height Above Geoidsurface height above geoidzosSea surface height above geoidmGrid-Cell Area for Ocean Variables*areacello
Grid-cell area for ocean variables*areacelloNOT AVAILABLEm2
Sea Floor Depth Below Geoid*depthoSea floor depth below geoid*mSea Area Percentage*depthoNOT AVAILABLEmsftof
Sea area percentage*%Grid-Cell Area for Atmospheric Grid Variables*sftofNOT AVAILABLE%areacella
Grid-cell area for atmospheric grid variables*areacellaNOT AVAILABLEm2
mrsofcCapacity of soil to store water (field capacity)*mrsofcNOT AVAILABLEkg m-2
Percentage of the Grid Cell Occupied by Land (Including Lakes)*sftlfPercentage of grid cell occupied by land (including lakes)*%Land Ice Area Percentage*sftlfNOT AVAILABLE%sftgif
Land ice area percentage*sftgifNOT AVAILABLE1
Surface Altitudealtitude*orogOrography*NOT AVAILABLEm

Data Format

The CDS subset of CMIP6 data are provided as NetCDF files. NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) is a file format that is freely available and commonly used in the climate modelling community. See more details:  What are NetCDF files and how can I read them
