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titleList of parameters

CDS parameter name for CMIP6

 ESGF variable id

CDS parameter name for CMIP5


Near-surface air temperature


2m temperature


Daily maximum near-surface air temperature


Maximum 2m temperature in the last 24 hours


Daily minimum near-surface air temperature


Minimum 2m temperature in the last 24 hours 


Surface temperaturetsSkin temperatureKelvin
Sea level pressurepslMean sea level pressurePa
Surface air pressurepsSurface pressurePa
Eastward near-surface winduas10m u component of winds-1
Northward near-surface windvas10m v component of winds-1
Near-surface wind speedsfcWind10m wind speeds-1
Near-surface relative humidityhurs2m relative humidity1
Near-surface specific humidityhuss2m specific humidity1
PrecipitationprMean precipitation fluxkg m-2s-1
Snowfall fluxprsnSnowfall

kg m-2 s-1

Evaporation Including sublimation and transpirationevspsblEvaporation

kg m-2 s-1

Surface downward eastward wind stresstauuEastward turbulent surface stressPa
Surface downward northward wind stresstauvNorthward turbulent surface stressPa
Surface upward latent heat fluxhflsSurface latent heat fluxW m-2
Surface upward sensible heat fluxhfssSurface sensible heat fluxW m-2 
Surface downwelling longwave radiationrldsSurface thermal radiation downwardsW m-2
Surface upwelling longwave radiationrlus

Surface upwelling longwave radiation

W m-2
Surface downwelling shortwave radiationrsds

Surface solar radiation downwards

W m-2
Surface upwelling shortwave radiationrsus

Surface upwelling shortwave radiation

W m-2
TOA incident shortwave radiationrsdt

TOA incident solar radiation

W m-2
TOA outgoing shortwave radiationrsutTOA outgoing shortwave radiationW m-2
TOA outgoing longwave radiationrlutTOA outgoing longwave radiationW m-2
Total cloud cover percentagecltTotal cloud cover1%
Air temperaturetaAir temperatureK
Eastward winduaU-component of winds-1
Northward windvaV-component of winds-1
Relative humidityhurRelative humidity1
Specific humidityhusSpecific humidity 1
Geopotential heightzgGeopotential heightm
Surface snow amountsnwSurface snow amountkg m-2
Snow depthsndSnow depthm
Total runoffmrroRunoffkg m-2 s-1
Moisture in upper portion of soil columnmrsosSoil moisture contentkg m-2
Sea-Ice area percentage (ocean grid)siconcSea-ice area percentage1
Sea Ice thicknesssithickSea ice thicknessm
Sea-Ice mass per areasimassSea ice plus snow amountkg m-2
Surface temperature of sea IcesitemptopSea ice surface temperatureK
Sea surface temperaturetosSea surface temperatureK
Sea surface salinitysosSea surface salinityPSU
Sea surface height above geoidzosSea surface height above geoidm
Grid-cell area for ocean variables*areacelloNOT AVAILABLEm2
Sea floor depth below geoid*depthoNOT AVAILABLEm
Sea area percentage*sftofNOT AVAILABLE%
Grid-cell area for atmospheric grid variables*areacellaNOT AVAILABLEm2
Capacity of soil to store water (field capacity)*mrsofcNOT AVAILABLEkg m-2
Percentage of the grid cell occupied by land (including lakes)*sftlfNOT AVAILABLE%
Land ice area percentage*sftgifNOT AVAILABLE1
Surface altitude*orogNOT AVAILABLEm
