Versions Compared


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1. Brief  description:

Two surface  parameters (sea ice cover and sea surface temperature) after the model upgrade to the version CNRM-CM6.1 have higher resolution (1x1)  than the other surface parameters (1.5x1.5) in both real-time (since 2020-10-22) and reforecast (model version date 2019-07-01) outputs. That higher resolution is the same as the one agreed for the newly added 9 ocean parameters. 

2. Recommendation:

If needed, users can retrieve those parameters with the same resolution as other surface parameters (1.5/1.5 degree regular lat-lon grid) by specifying it explicitly in their Web-API requests.



1. Brief  description:

There is an issue in the "accumulated" fields at day 16 which occurs when the IFS model resolution changes. This creates a discontinuity in the data (it can be seen also in the data on the native model grid so it's not specifically a result of the regridding to the 1.5 degree S2S resolution) which manifests itself when one "deaccumulates" the data to create six hourly accumulations for example. Specifically, one will see discontinuities between the (T+360 - T+354) and (T+366 - T+360) accumulations (most people note large negative total precipitation values but it also affects the radiation parameters).

2. Recommendation:

Users should consider that issue when using the accumulated fields.

Regrettably, there is not much it can be do about this for the S2S data which has already been regridded from the native model grid to a 1.5 degree.  It would need the deaccumulation to be performed using two different values at T+360, one based on the higher resolution grid which is  used to compute  (T+360 - T+354) and one on the lower resolution grid which is used to compute  (T+366 - T+360).

Read more about the issue:

Hindcast data need to be re-computed with the new cycle after the system  change (4 runs only on 13only on 13., 17., 20. and 24.6. 2019). Fixed 25th June 2019

1. Brief  description:

Four hindcast runs on 13., 17., 20. and 24.6. 2019  had to be re-computed and re-archived  after ECMWF model upgrade to the new cycle 46r1 on June 11 to have both types of forecasts for S2S archive, real-time and hindcast, produced by the new model version. This problem could happen because the hindcasts are computed well in advance before the actual real-time date. 

2. Recommendation:

If ECMWF hindcast data from the given runs was downloaded in the period 30.5.-25.6.2019, it should be deleted and the correct version of the data downloaded again.

RHMC (rums)

Errors in the real-time data (3 runs only on only on 27.8., 3.9.  and 10.9. 2020). Fixed 19th October 2020

1. Brief  description:

There were some errors in the Russian real-time outputs for the period 20200827-20200910. 

2. Recommendation:

If RHMC real-time data from the given runs was downloaded before 19.10. 2020, it should be deleted and the correct version of the data downloaded again.


Missing steps 0 and 0-24
  • Step 0 is not available for all surface  instantaneous fields, except for mean sea level pressure (msl)
  • Step 0-24 (day 1) is not available for all daily-mean fields except 2 metre dewpoint temperature, Total cloud cover and Convective Available Potential Energy (CAPE)
Identical control Identical control forecast and ensemble members 1, 2 and 3 for some reforecast dates

For some re-forecast dates, only the 0Z runs could be recovered, which means that the control, ensemble members 1, 2 and 3 are identical and correspond to the 0Z run. 
The list of affected dates is:

  • 19990101
  • 19991110 - 19991012
  • 20001110 - 20001119
  • 20011110 - 20011119
  • 19990210 - 19990221
  • 20000210 - 20000221
  • 20010210 - 20010221
