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These environment variables directly correspond to the names of the FCM configuration files in the oifs/make/fcmcfg/ directory in the OpenIFS source. Please see this directory for the possible choices supported.


As the environment variables refer to the corresponding filename in the make/fcmcfg config   directory it is straightforward to create a build configuration for other environments. Take a copy of an existing file and modify it as necessary. It's also possible to alter compile options by the use of additional environment variables (see below). Which approach you use depends on your personal preference.

Setting the location of libraries

OpenIFS requires a number of libraries (see Prerequisites) to compile. As well as the GRIB_API library, the LAPACK & BLAS numerical libraries are required. An MPI library is also required but this is assumed to be provided by compiler wrappers provided by the MPI implementation (e.g. the command mpif90 rather than gfortran).

To set the location of the GRIB_API & LAPACK libraries, two other environment variables need to be defined as the defaults in the FCM configuration files will most likely not be appropriate (or you can choose to edit the FCM configuration files in make/fcmcfg).

OIFS_GRIB_API_DIR - Defines the location of the grib_api library. If you followed the example in 'Installing grib_api for OpenIFS' it will be installed in $HOME/ecmwf/grib_api_gcc.

OIFS_LAPACK_LIB - Defines the location of the directory containing the liblapack.a and libblas.a files. This varies from system to system but typically /usr/local/lib.


Code Block
export OIFS_GRIB_API_DIR=$HOME/ecmwf/grib_api_gcc
export OIFS_LAPACK_LIB=/usr/local/apps/lapack/lib