Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


You can use the 'grib_ls' and 'grib_dump' commands to see the contents of these files (the grib_ls /& grib_dump commands will be in the 'bin' directory of your grib_api directoryinstallation).

Simple shell script to run the model. Described in more detail below.


c) Copy the namelists and run the model with a single task and single thread by executing the job script:

Code Block
% cp namelists fort.4
% ./job

The model will expect to find a file called fort.4 in the same directory as the executable. This script copies the executable from oifs/make/build/bin.


Code Block

it is most likely because OpenIFS requries requires more 'stack' memory than your default setting. Sometimes, this This can happen when increasing the number of OpenMP threads.


Code Block
ulimit -s unlimited

to the file 'job' just before the mpirun line. This will increase the per-process stack memory limit to the maximum the operating system allows.

If the model still fails, contact for assistance.


Parallel: 2 threads and 2 tasks


Code Block
NUMBER OF THREADS                 2

to verify the model run ran with 2 OpenMP threads.

b) Edit the file 'job' and change OMP_NUM_THREADS back to 1. Change the line: NPROC=1 to NPROC=2. Also, edit the fort.4 file and change NPROC to 2. Note that increasing the number of tasks requires changing the number of tasks in two places.

Rerun the job:


and again look in the NODE_001.01 output file for the line: "NUMBER OF TASKS   2"  to verify that two MPI tasks was used.


If all these technical tests work, perform the acceptance tests test below to ensure that the numerical results from the model are as expected. It's strongly recommended these tests are this test is completed before proceeding to work with the model for development or production.


With LREFOUT=true, at the last timestep OpenIFS will read the ref_021_0144 file and produce a new file: res_021_0144 (note the similar filenames!). The contents of the file should be similar to:

Code Block
% cat res_021_0144
               Results of ERROR calculation
 The error calculated from the results shows
 that the calculations are correct
 The maximum error is =         0.11345 %

As long as this the model reports 'calculations are correct' and the error is less than 1% a few percent then the model is behaving satisfactorily in your compilation and run environment.

Any questions/problems please contact