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CEMS-Flood data are available in GRIB(2) and NetCDF(4) formats.

Table of Contents




GRIdded Binary (or General Regularly-distributed Information in Binary form) is a common data format used in meteorology and standardised by the World Meteorological Organisation.

    • There are two versions of GRIB: GRIB edition 1 (GRIB1) and edition 2 (GRIB2).
    • CEMS-Flood data is available in GRIB2.
    • It is


    • archived in GRIB2 in the Meteorological Archival and Retrieval System (MARS) at ECMWF, see the MARS user documentation for further information.
    • Further information on the data format is available in the What are GRIB files page on the Copernicus Knowledge Base.

Working with GRIB2 files

There are 2 principal ways to work with GRIB2 files:


1. ecCodes

A library developed at ECMWF consisting of a set of tools to code and decode GRIBs, as well as other formats. The


ecCodes command-line utilities are commonly used by the meteorology community. Please consult the Copernicus Knowledge Base page How to read GRIB files for an overview of the commands available.



A Python interface to the eccodes library. It is one of the supported backends of Xarray. Please consult the Open CEMS-Flood data page for example of using CFGRIB with CEMS-Flood data.

Code Block
titleExample of EFAS GRIB2 data structure for river discharge reforecast
Dimensions:     (step: 2, y: 950, x: 1000)
    number      int64 ...
    time        datetime64[ns] ...
  * step        (step) timedelta64[ns] 00:00:00 06:00:00
    surface     int64 ...
    valid_time  (step) datetime64[ns] ...
Dimensions without coordinates: y, x
Data variables:
    dis06       (step, y, x) float32 ... 




The Network Common Data Format (NetCDF), is a machine-independent data format widely used in the scientific community to store array-oriented multi-dimensional data. CEMS-Flood datasets are conformant with the version 4 data model (NetCDF-4) and Version 1.7 of the CF convention.

Code Block
titleExample of EFAS NetCDF data structure for historical river discharge
        time = 4 ;
        y = 950 ;
        x = 1000 ;
        int64 time(time) ;
                time:long_name = "initial time of forecast" ;
                time:standard_name = "forecast_reference_time" ;
                time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01" ;
                time:calendar = "proleptic_gregorian" ;
        double step ;
                step:_FillValue = NaN ;
                step:long_name = "time since forecast_reference_time" ;
                step:standard_name = "forecast_period" ;
                step:units = "hours" ;
        double surface ;
                surface:_FillValue = NaN ;
                surface:long_name = "original GRIB coordinate for key: level(surface)" ;
                surface:units = "1" ;
        double valid_time(time) ;
                valid_time:_FillValue = NaN ;
                valid_time:standard_name = "time" ;
                valid_time:long_name = "time" ;
                valid_time:units = "seconds since 1970-01-01" ;
                valid_time:calendar = "proleptic_gregorian" ;
        float dis06(time, y, x) ;
                dis06:_FillValue = NaNf ;
                dis06:GRIB_paramId = 240023LL ;
                dis06:GRIB_dataType = "sfo" ;
                dis06:GRIB_numberOfPoints = 950000LL ;
                dis06:GRIB_typeOfLevel = "surface" ;
                dis06:GRIB_stepUnits = 1LL ;
                dis06:GRIB_stepType = "avg" ;
                dis06:GRIB_gridType = "lambert_azimuthal_equal_area" ;
                dis06:GRIB_NV = 0LL ;
                dis06:GRIB_cfName = "unknown" ;
                dis06:GRIB_cfVarName = "dis06" ;
                dis06:GRIB_gridDefinitionDescription = "Lambert azimuthal equal area projection " ;
                dis06:GRIB_missingValue = 9999LL ;
                dis06:GRIB_name = "Mean discharge in the last 6 hours" ;
                dis06:GRIB_shortName = "dis06" ;
                dis06:GRIB_units = "m**3 s**-1" ;
                dis06:long_name = "Mean discharge in the last 6 hours" ;
                dis06:units = "m**3 s**-1" ;
                dis06:standard_name = "unknown" ;
                dis06:coordinates = "time step surface valid_time" ;

// global attributes:
                :GRIB_edition = 2LL ;
                :GRIB_centre = "ecmf" ;
                :GRIB_centreDescription = "European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts" ;
                :GRIB_subCentre = 0LL ;
                :Conventions = "CF-1.7" ;
                :institution = "European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts" ;
                :history = "2021-11-23T10:25 GRIB to CDM+CF via cfgrib- with {\"source\": \"adaptor.mars.external-1637662774.2155154-5073-2-b5af81a6-2574-467a-81e4-8ad529c6fd1e.grib\", \"filter_by_keys\": {}, \"encode_cf\": [\"parameter\", \"time\", \"geography\", \"vertical\"]}" ;


Availability of CEMS-Flood data formats
