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LAYER NAME [Mapserver layer]


Accumulated Precipitation


Amount of accumulated rainfall (mm) over the forecast range of 10 days for the median of the ensemble ECMWF forecast.

Precipitation Prob. > 50mm


Probability [%] of exceeding 50 mm of accumulated rainfall over the forecast range of 10 days for the ensemble ECMWF forecast.

Precipitation Prob. > 150mm


Probability [%] of exceeding 150 mm of accumulated rainfall over the forecast range of 10 days for the ensemble ECMWF forecast.

Precipitation Prob. > 300mm


Probability [%] of exceeding 300 mm of accumulated rainfall over the forecast range of 10 days for the ensemble ECMWF forecast.

Reporting Points


Reporting points where more forecast information is available. Purple/red/yellow points denote a forecasted probability to exceed a 20 year (purple)/ 5 year (red)/ 2 year (yellow) return period of > 20 %. Numbers denote the percentage of ensemble members exceeding the specific return period. Shape denotes rising (upward triangle), decreasing (downward triangle), or stagnant (circle) trend of the ensemble mean discharge within the forecast horizon. The grey squares represent reporting points with no forecast exceeding 2-year return levels.

5 Year Return Period Exceedance


Probability of ensemble streamflow predictions [%] to exceed a 5 year return period discharge.

20 Year Return Period Exceedance


Probability of ensemble streamflow predictions [%] to exceed a 20 year return period discharge.

Flood summary for days 1-3


The flood summary map combines the 2-, 5- and 20-year exceedance probabilities into a category-based information. It shows where the ENS-max (maximum of the ensemble mean discharge) for forecast days 1-3 is >20 year (purple) / 5-20 year (red) / 2-5 year (dark yellow). Light yellow indicates where the ENS-max is below the 2-year return period value, but there is noticeable probability (>20%) for exceeding the 2-year return period level.

Flood summary for days 4-10


The flood summary map combines the 2-, 5- and 20-year exceedance probabilities into a category-based information. It shows where the ENS-max (maximum of the ensemble mean discharge) for forecast days 4-10 is >20 year (purple) / 5-20 year (red) / 2-5 year (dark yellow). Light yellow indicates where the ENS-max is below the 2-year return period value, but there is noticeable probability (>20%) for exceeding the 2-year return period level.

Flood summary for days 11-30


The flood summary map combines the 2-, 5- and 20-year exceedance probabilities into a category-based information. It shows where the ENS-max (maximum of the ensemble mean discharge) for forecast days 11-30 is >20 year (purple) / 5-20 year (red) / 2-5 year (dark yellow). Light yellow indicates where the ENS-max is below the 2-year return period value, but there is noticeable probability (>20%) for exceeding the 2-year return period level.

Seasonal Outlook - Reporting Points


Reporting points where ensemble hydrographs, displaying the river flow forecast out to 4 months, are available. Please note: The user is advised to evaluate forecast skill for their particular application.

Seasonal Outlook - River Network


Maximum probability [%] of high (> 80th percentile) or low (< 20th percentile) river flow during the 4-month forecast horizon. Please note: The user is advised to evaluate forecast skill for their particular application.

Seasonal Outlook - Basin Overview


Maximum probability [%] of high (> 80th percentile) or low (< 20th percentile) river flow during the 4-month forecast horizon. Please note: The user is advised to evaluate forecast skill for their particular application.

Rapid Impact Assessment


NOTE: This information is EXPERIMENTAL.

Potential impact of floods on population and land use (agriculture, urban) based on their intersection with the 1km resolution rapid flood mapping layer. Results are aggregated over administration regions. Colours represent the location within an impact matrix based on the time to peak GloFAS streamflow and how many people live within the footprint of the flood inundation. Data are only generated for basins greater than 5,000 km2 and where the maximum return period is greater than 10 years. The role of flood defences is not considered.

Rapid Flood Mapping


NOTE: This information is EXPERIMENTAL.

Estimated flood extent at 1km resolution based on the matching of return periods from the GloFAS streamflow forecast and a catalogue of modelled inundation extents. Data are only generated for basins greater than 5,000 km2 and where the maximum return period is greater than 10 years. The role of flood defences is not considered.

GloFAS lakes and reservoirs


Lakes and reservoirs as included in the GloFAS model set-up. Selection criteria are

(1) lake surface area > 100km2;

(2) significant impact on river discharge;

(3) reservoir capacity > 0.5 km3.

Source: Global Lakes and Wetlands Database - Global Reservoir and Dams Database

Major river basins


Major river basins of the world. Source: Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC). For more technical details see

Flood hazard 100 year return period


Inundated areas for flood events with a return period of 100 years, based on GloFAS climatology. Permanent water bodies are derived from the Global Lakes and Wetlands Database and from the Natural Earth lakes map (

Upstream Area


The GloFAS river network is plotted with river pixels above 1000 km2, represented by the upstream area (in km2).

Reservoir impact


The map illustrates the potential impact of reservoirs included in GloFAS on river discharge at a global scale. To provide a continuous estimate of the potential reservoir effect along river reaches, the ratio of reservoir volume to mean annual discharge was calculated for each grid cell. This ratio makes use of the upstream cumulative reservoir capacity [m3] and the cell-specific total volume of annual natural river discharge [m3].

Major Rivers


Layer showing the major rivers.

Administrative Regions


Administrative regions merged using NUTS-2 or NUTS-3 classification from EUROSTAT and the region classification from GADM.

SMFRSocial Media Activity Analysis


The layer aggregates tweets about floods in a specific area. Data collection is triggered on the basis of weather forecasts.