Versions Compared


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  • Unpack oifs-ac-43r3-initcond.tgz into /data/openifs-ac which results in a directory /data/openifs-ac/INITIAL-CONDITIONS.
    The files therein are initial data files for the first day of month for all 12 months of 2010.
  • Unpack ICMCL-2010.tgz into /data/openifs-ac which results in a directory /data/openifs-ac/ICMCL.
    This directory contains monthly files with surface boundary conditions (e.g. SSTs, soil temps, albedos, LAI etc).
  • In the tgz archives above, the data for the year 2013, provided on a Tl255L60 grid, is required for the T21 acceptance tests. The data for year 2010 is provided on a Tl255L91 grid and can be used for the example forecasts. 
  • From your conventional OpenIFS installation's OIFS_DATA_DIR copy the directories ifsdata and rtables to /data/openifs-ac/43r3 as they are also needed here. If this is your first model installation, these data directories are also available from the ftp server. 
  • Further, create a directory /data/openifs-ac/43r3/wam which needs to contain wave model initial data for 2010-01-01. 

Note:  In the reference forecast experiments discussed below the initial conditions files for the wave model (ocean surface waves) are added to the experiment separately from a central location in the OIFS_DATA_DIR. When initial experiment data is requested from ECMWF (e.g. through the OpenIFS Data Hub) the required files for the wave model initial data are supplied together with the data for the atmospheric model. 


Building the model

This section describes how to build the binary model executable for OpenIFS/AC. Most problems related to building the model executable are due to incorrect environment settings. Therefore we recommend that particular care should be given to the environment settings to ensure that they match the local hardware platform. 
