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As a summary, the available domains are:

NameShort nameSouthernmost latitudeNorthernmost latitudeWesternmost longitudeEasternmost longitudeHorizontal resolution (degrees)Domain detailsSome further details of activities




0.22° x 0.22°

0.44° x 0.44°
AntarcticaANT-4490°S56°S180°W180°E0.44° x 0.44°




0.22° x 0.22°

0.44° x 0.44°




0.22° x 0.22°

0.44° x 0.44°
Central America




0.22° x 0.22°

0.44° x 0.44°
Central Asia




0.22° x 0.22°

0.44° x 0.44°
East Asia




0.22° x 0.22°

0.44° x 0.44°
EuropeEUR-1127°N72°N22°W45°E0.11° x 0.11°




0.11° x 0.11°

0.44° x 0.44°
Middle East and North Africa




0.22° x 0.22°

0.44° x 0.44°
North America




0.22° x 0.22°

0.44° x 0.44°
South America





0.20° x 0.20°

0.22° x 0.22°

0.44° x 0.44°

South Asia




0.22° x 0.22°

0.44° x 0.44°
South-East Asia



0.22° x 0.22°


The CDS-CORDEX subset consists of the following CORDEX experiments partly derived from the CMIP5 ones:



Orography and land area fraction variables are time independent model fields.

NameShort nameUnitsDescription
2m temperature tas K The temperature of the air near the surface (or ambient temperature). The data represents the mean over the aggregation period at 2m above the surface.
200hPa temperatureta200KThe temperature of the air at 200hPa. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period at 200hPa pressure level.
Minimum 2m temperature in the last 24 hours tasmin K The minimum temperature of the air near the surface. The data represents the daily minimum at 2m above the surface. 
Maximum 2m temperature in the last 24 hours tasmax K The maximum temperature of the air near the surface. The data represents the daily maximum at 2m above the surface.
Mean precipitation flux pr kg.m-2.s-1 The deposition of water to the Earth's surface in the form of rain, snow, ice or hail. The precipitation flux is the mass of water per unit area and time. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period.
Mean evaporation flux evspsbl kg.m-2.s-1 The mass of surface and sub-surface liquid water per unit area ant time, which evaporates from land. The data includes conversion to vapour phase from both the liquid and solid phase, i.e., includes sublimation, and represents the mean over the aggregation period.
2m surface relative humidity hurs %

The relative humidity is the percentage ratio of the water vapour mass to the water vapour mass at the saturation point given the temperature at that location. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period at 2m above the surface.

2m surface specific humidity huss Dimensionless The amount of moisture in the air at 2m above the surface divided by the amount of air plus moisture at that location. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period at 2m above the surface.
Surface pressure ps Pa

The air pressure at the lower boundary of the atmosphere. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period.

Mean sea level pressure psl Pa The air pressure at sea level. In regions where the Earth's surface is above sea level the surface pressure is used to compute the air pressure that would exist at sea level directly below given a constant air temperature from the surface to the sea level point. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period.
10m Wind Speed sfcWind m.s-1 The magnitude of the two-dimensional horizontal air velocity. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period at 10m above the surface.
Surface solar radiation downwards rsds W.m-2 The downward shortwave radiative flux of energy per unit area. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period at the surface.
Surface thermal radiation downward rlds W.m-2

The downward longwave radiative flux of energy inciding on the surface from the above per unit area. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period.

Surface upwelling shortwave radiationrsusW.m-2

The upward shortwave radiative flux of energy from the surface per unit area. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period at the surface.

Total cloud cover clt Dimensionless Total refers to the whole atmosphere column, as seen from the surface or the top of the atmosphere. Cloud cover refers to fraction of horizontal area occupied by clouds. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period.
500hPa geopotentialzg500mThe gravitational potential energy per unit mass normalized by the standard gravity at 500hPa at the same latitude. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period at 500hPa pressure level.
10m u-component of wind uas m.s-1 The magnitude of the eastward component of the wind. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period at 10m above the surface.
10m v-component of wind vas m.s-1 The magnitude of the northward component of the wind. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period at 10m above the surface.
200hPa u-component of the windua200m.s-1

The magnitude of the eastward component of the wind. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period at 200hPa above the surface.

200hPa v-component of the windva200m.s-1 The magnitude of the northward component of the wind. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period at 200hPa pressure level.
850hPa U-component of the windua850m.s-1 The magnitude of the eastward component of the wind. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period at 850hPa pressure level.
850hPa V-component of the windva850m.s-1 The magnitude of the northward component of the wind. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period at 850hPa pressure level.
Total run-off fluxmrrokg.m-2.s-1

The mass of surface and sub-surface liquid water per unit area and time, which drains from land. The data represents the mean over the aggregation period.

Mean evaporation fluxevspsblkg.m-2.s-1

The mass of surface and sub-surface liquid water per unit area ant time, which evaporates from land. The data includes conversion to vapour phase from both the liquid and solid phase, i.e., includes sublimation, and represents the mean over the aggregation period.

Land area fraction sftlf % The fraction (in percentage) of grid cell occupied by land surface. The data is time-independent.
Orography orog m The height above the geoid (being 0.0 over the ocean). The data is time-independent.

Data Format

The CDS subset of CORDEX data are provided as NetCDF files. NetCDF (Network Common Data Form) is a file format that is freely available and commonly used in the climate modelling community. See the more details: What are NetCDF files and how can I read them


The data within the files were not individually checked, therefore it is important to note that passing of these quality control tests should not be confused with validity: for example, it will be possible for a file to be fully CF compliant and have fully compliant metadata but contain gross errors in the data that have not been revealed.

Citation and PID information

The users can decide on what level they want to refer to the CORDEX datasets. 

The highest level is the one provided by the CDS with the use of the following DOI (Digital Object Identifier): 10.24381/cds.bc91edc3 (available also at the right-hand-side of the entry). The users can refer to any data with this DOI, which are available in the CORDEX catalogue entry in the CDS.

Citations might be manually found by using the WDCC user interface at, however it is not ensured that this information is up-to-date and relevant for the CORDEX datasets published in the CDS.

The CORDEX datasets are also labelled by the so called Persistent Identifiers (PIDs). PIDs are assigned to each version of every file and dataset. These are unique identifiers of the data and they are available in the header of the netcdf datafiles. The PIDs are also provided on dataset and file levels (please note that these files are csv files, which can be looked at after downloading them).

Known issues

All known issues about CORDEX data are documented through the ES-DOC Errata Service : The Errata Service also includes a command-line interface and an API to request the issue database for a specific dataset or file.


The documents below were provided by the data supplier as background information on the creation of the EURO-CORDEX data stored in the Climate Data Store (CDS) for the benefit of the CORDEX data users.

  1. Description and user guide of the worldwide CORDEX C3S dataset assessing potential conflicts due to overlaps

     This document provides some guidelines how to use worldwide CORDEX data in overlapping regions.

  2. Experimental design for the GCM/RCM Matrix (29/06/2018)

    This report documents how the new EURO-CORDEX experiment is designed in terms of which GCM-RCM-RCP combinations to run in the project. This was produced quite some time ago, therefore the presented information is not fully up-to-date, but nevertheless provides a fairly good idea about the concept for designing new experiments.

  3. Documentation for the use of pattern scaling with particular focus on Europe (25/04/2019)

    This report documents results from the 34 EURO-CORDEX RCP8.5 simulations. For a number of European subregions we present patterns describing the regional climate change in relation to the change in global mean temperature. These patterns are derived as the linear fit between regional climate change and change in global mean temperature. This is a commonly used method and can be seen as the standard definition of pattern scaling used in the scientific literature. For the calculation of these patterns the climate change signal was derived for three different time windows (2011-2040, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100) w.r.t. the control climate (1971-2000)

  4. Decide on experimental setup for internal variability (28/02/2018)

    Internal variability is an intrinsic character of the climate system and it is also present in climate models. The design to run new RCM experiments took into account the intention that the internal variability can be studied. This report present some early investigations on these aspects for the EURO-CORDEX domain. 

  5. Synthesis report (15/10/2021)

    In this report we review the  EURO-CORDEX ensemble, which now contains altogether around 130 members (from which around half of them was prepared by the support of C3S). The report provides information about model biases and climate change trends what can be deduced with the help of the this particularly large RCM ensemble .

  6. Proposed method to assess the usability of the RCP-GCM-RCM modelling setup and description of the first results (28/02/2021)

    C3S is aiming to build a EURO-CORDEX ensemble which is as complete as possible. By doing this, C3S will fill some of the missing elements of the EURO-CORDEX GCM-RCM-RCP uncertainty matrix. As we will have more simulations available (and these being complete sub-matrices, for instance), we are in a better position to assess how the full matrix can be reproduced when based on fewer available model simulations. In addition, we can determine how the missing model elements can be built. This unique study gives valuable insights into the optimal design of such ensemble systems in the future.

  7. Documentation for the role of internal variability for Europe (31/03/2021)

    This report describes the regional and local effects of internal climate variability as described by two sets of downscaled data for two different three-member GCM ensembles and two downscaled single-model multi-member ensembles.

  8. A scientific assessment of the usability of the RCP-GCM-RCM setup (11/07/2021)

    This report outlines a scientific assessment of the usability of the experimental setup for the choice of forcing scenarios (RCPs), global (GCMs) and regional climate models (RCMs), which has been used to decide what additional EURO-CORDEX simulations were performed for C3S.

  9. Differences between CMIP5 GCMs downscaled by EURO-CORDEX RCMs and the full CMIP5 and CMIP6 ensembles, with focus on Europe (29/06/2021)

    This report analyses Global Climate Models (GCMs) for Europe covering the entire set of CMIP5 models, the CMIP5 models used for driving EURO-CORDEX Regional Climate Models (RCMs) and the available CMIP6 ensemble.

  10. Evaluation reports per domain and user guide (20/07/2021)

    This report summarises the evaluation framework used for the worldwide CORDEX simulations. It explains the model diagnostic and evaluation tools and give a short summary how the provided plots can be interpreted. 

  11. Validation framework (30/06/2021)

    This report summarises the validation diagnostics deployed for the worldwide CORDEX simulations. It helps in the interpretation of the validation plots produced. 
