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Total Precipitation (TP)
Precipitation is measured using a rain gauge. The height of this gauge above the ground varies from country to country, and the design of the gauge itself may also vary. Where snowfall is a dominant fraction of the precipitation in the cold months (e.g. Russia) the gauge may be 1-3 metres above the ground and will be protected by circular hedges around it, to try to reduce wind speeds near the gauge so snowflakes can fall in.


Dataset coverage

Geographic area


Historical: ERA5

Seasonal Forecasts:

  1. ECMWF seasonal forecast system 5 technical description:
  2. Météo-France seasonal forecast system 7 technical description:
  3. Met Office

Projections: original data come from CORDEX simulations available via the ESGF portal.


Historical: original gridded data come from the ERA5 Reanalysis

Seasonal Forecasts: original data is available from the C3S Climate Data Store. See here for further details of the seasonal forecast models used.

Projections: original data come from CORDEX simulations available via the ESGF portal.
