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The observations should be sorted in ascending order by latitude because FG departures are calculated in turn from south pole to north pole by the following code.

Code Block
!**   (Lat, Lon) of observations

jlatN = NDGL + 1
LoopAllObs: do j=1,KLEN
  iflag = 0
  ZOBSLAT = POBS(kplat,j)
  ZOBSLON = mod(POBS(kplon,j) + 360.0_JPRB, 360.0_JPRB)

!**   Calculate latitudinal NW-pivot values for each observation (i.e. point#1)

  WHILE_LOOP: do while (jlatN > 0.and. ZOBSLAT > ALAT(jlatN))
    jlatN = jlatN - 1
  enddo WHILE_LOOP
