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Negative Peak wave period values in some grid points (fixed on )


Occasionally there are negative peak wave period values mostly in a small region in the Arctic Ocean. It seems that in some edge cases the ice concentration is making troubles in the quadratic fit used to obtain the peak period.


Negative Peak wave period values in some grid points (fixed on )


Because of an error in the grid conversion, the minima of Peak wave period could  be occasionally wrong (negative  up to -100). That issue affected the period Sep-Oct 2022.

METNO (enmi)

Issue with 10 U/V values in the period 12Z, 2023-03-08 - 6Z, 2023-05-08  (fixed since 6Z   onwards)


The values of 10 U/V component are wrong in some gridpoints and for some time steps in the period 12Z, 20230308 - 6Z, 20230508

That issue seemed to affect always just 2 steps (+33 and +54).  According to the provider, those corrupt values were solely  above Novaja Semlja and did not compromise the wave model results otherwise.