Versions Compared


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Minimum temperature

Figure 11 shows the differene in h annua mean climatlogy of diymean tempeture for the perio 1991-2020 beween E-OBS verss27.0e and 26.0e. Figre 12 shows the seasonal mea dfferences beween these two versionthe period Dec 1999 – Nov 2000.

Image RemovedFigr 11: Difference in annual ean climatology f daily mean temperate [°C] fortperiod 1991-2020 tweversions 27.0e and 26.0e.

Image Removed

Figure 12: Differenes in seasnal means of daily mean tempeatu [°C] for De 1999-Nov 2000 bewen versions 27.0e an 26.0e




Contributors: Else van den Besselaar (KNMI)


ECA&D and E-OBS are the backbone for the Climate Data node of the Regional Climate Centre for WMO RA VI (Europe and the Middle East).

Main variables




Maximum temperature


Daily maximum air temperature measured near the surface, usually at 2 metres above the surface.

Mean temperature


Daily mean air temperature measured near the surface, usually at 2 metres above the surface.

Minimum temperature


Daily minimum air temperature measured near the surface, usually at 2 metres above the surface.

Precipitation amount


Total daily amount of rain, snow and hail measured as the height of the equivalent liquid water in a square metre. The data sources for the precipitation are rain gauge data which do not have a uniform way of defining the 24-hour period over which precipitation measurements are made. Therefore, there is no uniform time period (for instance, 06 UTC previous day to 06 UTC today) which could be attached to the daily precipitation.

Sea level pressure


Daily mean air pressure at sea level. In regions where the Earth's surface is above sea level, the surface pressure is used to compute the air pressure that would exist at sea level directly below, given a constant air temperature from the surface to the sea level point.

Surface shortwave downwelling radiation


Daily mean flux of shortwave radiation (also known as solar radiation) measured at the Earth's surface.

Relative Humidity


Daily mean relative humidity measured near the surface usually at a height of 2 metres. Relative humidity values relate to actual humidity and saturation humidity. Values are in the interval [0,100]. 0% means that the air in the grid cell is totally dry, whereas 100% indicates that the air in the cell is saturated with water vapour, defined with respect to saturation over water.

Wind speed


Daily mean wind speed at 10 metres above the surface.

Data access information

E-OBS is available to users via the Climate Data Store!/dataset/insitu-gridded-observations-europe%20?tab=overview
E-OBS is also available through the C3S2_311_Lot3 portal

The underlying station dataset


  • Included a large number of new stations and series for Denmark.
  • Included a few new stations and series for Finland.
  • Fixed a temperature problem for Polish temperature series.

Minimum temperature

Figure 11 shows the difference in the annual mean climatology of daily mean temperature for the period 1991-2020 between E-OBS versions 27.0e and 26.0e. Figure 12 shows the seasonal mean differences between these two versions for the period Dec 1999 – Nov 2000.


Van den Besselaar, E.J.M., van der Schrier and G., de Baar, J. (2021) Daily relative humidity maps for Europe based on in-situ observations (in preparation)


This document has been produced in the context of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

The activities leading to these results have been contracted by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, operator of C3S on behalf of the European Union (Delegation Agreement agreement signed on 11/11/2014 and Contribution Agreement signed on 22/07/2021). All information in this document is provided "as is" and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose.

The users thereof use the information at their sole risk and liability. For the avoidance of all doubt , the European Commission and the European Centre for Medium - Range Weather Forecasts have no liability in respect of this document, which is merely representing the author's view.
