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Extract the example forecast experiment i4xc.tgz into a location suitable for model experiments. 


Note:  The experiment directory would ideally be in a different location from the earlier model installation path $OIFS_HOME. In general, you will need more disk space for experiments, depending on the model grid resolution, the duration of the forecast experiment and the output fequency of model results. 


You should edit the config.h file which determines settings for this experiment. The oifs-run script will read the settings from this file. Alternatively, the settings can be passed to the oifs-run script via command line parameters, which takes precedence over the config.h settings. 


Note:  If If no config.h file is found in the experiment directory, and if also no command line parameters are provided when calling oifs-run, then oifs-run will revert to its own default values which are not appropriate. In any case you should either edit the config.h file appropriately or provide the correct command line parameters.
