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You should edit the atmospheric model namelist file fort.4. It contains Fortran namelists which control model settings and switches. An important switch to edit is in namelist NAMRIP the variable CSTOP. Set this to the desired length of the forecast experiment. Experiment i4xc can be run for up to 144 hours (6 days) by setting CSTOP='h144'.

You should edit the exp-config.h file which determines settings for this experiment. The oifs-run script will read the settings from this file. Alternatively, the settings can be passed to the oifs-run script via command line parameters, which takes precedence over the exp-config.h settings. 


If no exp-config.h file is found in the experiment directory, and if also no command line parameters are provided when calling oifs-run, then oifs-run will revert to its own default values which are not appropriate. In any case you should either edit the config.h file appropriately or provide the correct command line parameters.

The config.h file contains the following settings:

Code Block
OIFS_EXPID="i4xc"       # your experiment ID
OIFS_NPROC=8            # the number of MPI tasks
OIFS_NTHREAD=4          # the number of OpenMP threads
OIFS_GRIDTYPE="l"       # the grid type, either 'l' for linear reduced grid, or 'o' for the cubic octahedral grid
OIFS_RES="255"          # the spectral grid resolution
OIFS_NAMELIST='fort.4'  # the name of the atmospheric namelist file (the default is fort.4, so this line could be omitted)
OIFS_EXE="${OIFS_HOME}/build/bin/ifsMASTER.DP"  # the name and location of the model binary executable
OIFS_PPROC=true         # enable postprocessing of model output after the model run
OUTPUT_ROOT=$(pwd)      # folder where pproc output is created (only used if OIFS_PPROC=true). In this case an output folder is created in the experiment directory. 
LFORCE=false            # overwrite existing symbolic links in the experiment directory
LAUNCH=""               # the platform specific run command for the MPI environment (e.g. "mpirun", "srun", etc). 
