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This page contains a quickstart guide for building and using OpenIFS 48r1 at model version 48R1.0.

We describe the process how to build the model from sources and carry out a few basic tests, how to run an example forecast experiment, for which initial experiment data is made available, and how to visualise the model output by creating plots.


Worked Example:

We explain the model installation and the process of running of a forecast experiment as it can be done on for the ECMWF HPC facility (hpc2020 Atos)

  • All data files and configuration scripts that are required for the worked example experiment can be found on the ECMWF file system here:  /perm/openifs/oifs_data/48r1/example
  • The model will be installed into $HOME/openifs/openifs_48R1.0/
  • The example forecast experiment will be set up in directory $PERM/i4xc/

It is important to note that the installation process on hpc2020 will not directly translate to alternative systems

Extract the OpenIFS package

Create your local installation of OpenIFS 48R1.0 by cloning or branching from the git repository with the OpenIFS package. 

You will need approximately 4 GB of disk space for the model sources, the bundle packages, and the built model binaries. 

Code Block
git clone ssh://

  • You will need approximately 4 GB of disk space for the model sources, the bundle packages, and the built model binaries. 
  • Please note that currently access to this repository is restricted to a limited number of users only.

Set up the platform configuration file

For proper functionality the The OpenIFS model requires a small number of Linux environment variables to be set for both installation and runs. These are referred to as global environment variables.

The most important environment variable is OIFS_HOME, which describes the location of the OpenIFS model installation. This variable is required by all scripts used by the model. 

 OIFS_HOME describes the location of the OpenIFS model installation and is general Hence, the path where the git repository was extracted will need to be set to OIFS_HOME. For was extracted.  For example, if you clone the repository into your $HOME directory then you should set:

Code Block
export OIFS_HOME=$HOME/openifs/openifs_48R1.0/

The other model environment variables are

  • OIFS_CYCLE - describes the model cycle (e.g. 48r1) for which this configuration file can be used


  • .
  • OIFS_DATA_DIR - describes the location of climatological input files that are required to run OpenIFS. These have been installed on the ECMWF hpc2020 in a central and accessible location under /perm/openifs/oifs_data and the information is organised by model cycle. 

Platform configuration file:  The required global environment variables, described above, are defined in a the Platform configuration file that which needs to be modified for your local OpenIFS installation. 

  • This file can be located anywhere on your file system, however the recommended default location would be somewhere in is $OIFS_HOME/bin installation.
  • We provide a template for this configuration file in $OIFS_HOME/bin/
  • You should edit this file and update the path set in variable OIFS_HOME with your installation's path.
  • This file sets global variables for your model installation, depending on your local system, and it will need to be "sourced" prior to running the model.

Please note that this file is not executed, instead it is loaded by using the Once edited the platform configuration file is loaded using the following command:

Code Block
source /path/to/file/location/


The above command should also be include in any batch job scripts that are intended to run OpenIFS .(described in Section 3)


Previous versions of the OpenIFS model also used a platform configuration file. Since OpenIFS 48r1 the number of variables set inside this file has been reduced to a bare minimum. At present, only the variables OIFS_HOME. , OIFS_CYCLE , and OIFS_DATA_DIR  need to be set in this file. 
