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5th International Earth Surface Working Group (IESWG),  Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki, 26-28 Sep 2023

  • Pinnington E., de Rosnay, D. Fairbairn, S. Garrigues, C. Herbert, K. Ochi, K. Salonen, P. Weston: remote oral: “Towards Ensemble Land Data Assimilation at ECMWF”
  • de Rosnay P., D. Fairbairn, S. Garrigues, C. Herbert, Ochi, E. Pinnington, K. Salonen, D. Schepers, P. Weston, G. Arduini, G. Balsamo, R. Engelen, and H. Hersbach: remote oral: Coupled land-atmosphere data assimilation at ECMWF
  • Weston P., A. Agusti-Panareda, P. de Rosnay, S. Boussetta; oral: “Towards dynamically updated Vegetation in NWP”

6th  C3S General Assembly, Brno, Czechia, 12-14 September

  • de Rosnay P., F. Aires, JeJ.lena Bojarova, A. Brookshaw, C. Cardinali, J.-C. Calvet, H. Hersbach, J. Knight, N. Pérez Zanon, H. Schyberg, T. Stockdale, I. Trigo, F. Vitart, and P. Weston, invited (pre-recorded) oral: “ Next generation reanalysis: Results frOm the CERISE project
  • de Rosnay P., Aires, J. Bojarova, A. Brookshaw, J.-C. Calvet, C. Cardinali, H. Hersbach, J. Knight, N. Pérez Zanón, R. Phipps, H. Schyberg, T. Stockdale, I. Trigo, F. Vitart, T. Warnaars, and P. Weston; poster: “ERISE: Copernicus Climate Change Service Evolution”

First International Symposium on Earth System Modeling and Prediction,CEMC/CMA,Nanjing,China, 11-12 September 2023

  • de Rosnay P., P. Browne, E. de Boisséson, D. Fairbairn, S. Garrigues, C. Herbert, K. Ochi, E. Pinnington, Salonen, D. Schepers, P. Weston, H. Zuo, invited oral: “Coupled data assimilation activities at ECMWF”

EUMETSAT conference, Malmö, Sweden, 11-15 September 2023

  • Fairbairn D., P. de Rosnay and P. Weston, oral: Evaluation of an adaptive ASCAT soil moisture bias correction approach for the H SAF root-zone SM products”

ECMWF Annual Seminar on Earth system reanalysis, Reading, 4-8 September 2023

  • Browne P., P. de Rosnay, T. McNally, S. Massart, N. Semane, S. Healy, K. Anesiadou, A. Geer, T. Scanlon, invited oral: “Exploiting interface observations in a coupled reanalysis system”
  • Prudhomme C., G. Arduini, G. Balsamo, A. Brown, S. Boussetta, H. Clocke, P. de Rosnay, S. Harrigan, C. Mazzetti, F. Pappenberger, I. Sandu, H. Zuo, E. Zsoter, invited oral: “The value of global hydrological reanalysis”
  • de Rosnay , P. Browne, E. de Boisséson, D. Fairbairn, S. Garrigues, C. Herbert, K. Ochi, E. Pinnington, K. Salonen, D. Schepers, P. Weston, H. Zuo, H. Hersbach, G. Arduini, M. Alonso Balmaseda, G. Balsamo, B. Bell, N. Bormann, S. Boussetta, C. Buontempo, A. Brookshaw, J. Day, S. English, S. Healy, T. McNally, T. Scanlon , A. Simmons, T. Stockdale, F. Vitart, invited oral: “Towards Earth system reanalysis”
  • Zuo H. Hao Zuo, Magdalena Alonso Balmaseda, Philip Browne, , Eric de Boisseson, Marcin Chrust, Stephanie Johnson, Sarah Keeley, Michael Mayer, Kristian Mogensen, Christopher Roberts, Patricia de Rosnay, Steffen Tietsche, oral invited: “Ocean and sea ice reanalysis”


20th  20th Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS2023), 30 July-4August, Singapore

  • Li W. , L. Li, J. Chen , Y. Orsolini, R. Senan, P. de Rosnay, oral: The Impacts of Third Pole Snow Assimilation on Seasonal Meteorology Predictions

Third annual virtual workshop of the Land DA Community "Recent Technical Developments in Land Data Assimilation" 20-21 June 2023

  • Pinnington, E. and P. de Rosnay, oral: "Technical Aspects of the ECMWF Land Data Assimilation System"
