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Vertical Hovm - diagram derived from an input rectangular area and a set of levels.

Line (Line Hovm)

Specifies the coordinates of a transect line along which the Hovmøller diagram is calculated. Enter the coordinates (lat/long) of a line separated by a "/" (lat1/long1/lat2/long2). Alternatively, use the coordinate assist button.

Area (Area Hovm or Vertical Hovm)

Specifies the coordinates of the area over which the Hovmøller diagram is calculated. Enter the coordinates (lat/long) of an area separated by a "/" (top left lat and long, bottom right lat and long). Alternatively, use the coordinate assist button.

Average Direction (Area Hovm)

Specifies the direction along which the averaging of the variable is performed. Options are North South and East West. For North South, the averaging is weighted by cos(latitude).

Top Level

Specifies the upper limit of the average cross section, as a pressure level (hPa) or model level (η levels).
