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  • In this case the script will generate a folder called  output_YYYMMDD_HHMMSS , with YYYYMMDD being the current date and HHMMSS the current time. 
  • This avoids accidental modification or overwriting of any previous results when the model experiment is repeated.
  • For convenience a symbolic link output is set to the most recently generated model output. If the model run is repeated and a new output_YYYMMDD_HHMMSS folder is generated, the symbolic link will be updated to point to the most recent output folder.
  • The variable OUTPUT_ROOT in exp-config.h determines where this ouput folder will be created. The default location is inside the experiment directory, but when assigning another path to OUTPUT_ROOT this could be created elsewhere.


Step 2:  Edit the file and change the path variable if required:

  • in_dir:  This needs to point to the output_YYYMMDD... folder where the postprocessed OpenIFS model experiment (from the previous section) is found. Note that absolute file paths are required for this variable!  By default this path is linked to the OIFS_EXPT variable.

Step 3:  Execute the script by running the command: 


  • This data processing may take a couple of minutes to complete. 
  • Occasionally the message "ERROR:  input file does not exist!" may occur which can be safely ignored. This happens when the script attempts to convert model output which was not generated by OpenIFS. The script will not fail but simply carry on looking for the next file.
  • After successful completing the conversion process "Done." should appear on the terminal.
  • As a result of this processing, regular gridded and compressed GRIB files are generated in  $PERM$OIFS_EXPT/mv/data/ab2a  which can be visualised with by running the enclosed Jupyter Notebook  single.ipynb

Step 4:  Now proceed with the following steps to visualise the processed data:

  • On We describe the process on the example of the ECMWF Linux Virtual Desktop Interface (VDI)
  • In the VDI, open a terminal, log into the hpc2020 with command:  ssh hpc-login
  • In the terminal start the Jupyter session on an interactive node, using the command:  ecinteractive -j
  • After the interactive node has started you will be given a weblink to connect to the Jupyterlab session ("To manually re-attach go to <weblink>").
  • Open a web browser (e.g. Chrome) inside the VDI and paste the weblink into the browser's URL address field; this will connect to the Jupyter session.
  • In the file explorer, on the left side of the Jupyter window, navigate to the folder $PERM/mv/ipynb/ and select Notebook  single.ipynb
  • Open this Notebook by double-clicking in the explorer window.
  • Once it has opened, run all its cells in sequence (e.g. use the command "Run All Cells" in menu "Run").
  • This will generate a series of plots from the model output which are displayed inside the Notebook. 
  • Optional:  After completing the Jupyter session it is good practice to release the reserved interactive node using this command in the terminal window:  ecinteractive -p hpc -k   and confirm cancellation of the job; if this is not done the interactive job will timeout after 12 hours.
