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The OpenIFS model requires a small number of Linux Linux environment variables to be set for both installation and runs. These are referred to as global environment variables.


  • OIFS_CYCLE - describes the model cycle (e.g. 48r1) for which this configuration file can be used.for which this configuration file can be used - this should not be edited 
  • OIFS_EXPT - path to the location of the openifs experiments. Setting this is a convenience for the OpenIFS 3D model but is a requirement for the SCM experiments
  • OIFS_ARCHif available on for a system, this variable describes the location of the arch directory,  which provides specific information about the system and compiler, e.g. $OIFS_HOME/arch/ecmwf/hpc2020/gnu
    • Such a directory is not always required, i.e., if a system has all the appropriate libraries installed. If this is the case OIFS_ARCH can be set to an empty string, i.e., OIFS_ARCH="" 
  • OIFS_DATA_DIR - describes the location of climatological input files that are required to run OpenIFS. These have been installed on the ECMWF hpc2020 in a central and accessible location under /perm/openifs/oifs_data and the information is organised by model cycle. 

If you do not have access to the ECMWF hpc2020 file system, or if you wish to install the climatological input files in a local directory of your choice, then you can download the required data from this site:

As a minimum you will require the packages ifsdata_rtables_48r1.tgz, ifsdata_climatology_48r1.tgz, and the files required for your selected horizontal grid resolution, which in the case of our example is ifsdata_48r1_climate.v020_255.tgz.

Download and extract these files to your chosen location, the filepath of which should then be set to variable OIFS_DATA_DIR

  • OIFS_EXEC - describes the location and file name for the OpenIFS 3D executable, e.g. $OIFS_HOME/build/bin/ifsMASTER.DP , which is a double-precision executable for the 3D model

All the global environment variables described above, as well as some other variables that are dependent on the The required global environment variables, described above, are defined in the the Platform configuration file, which needs to be modified for your local OpenIFS installation. 

  • This file can be located anywhere on your file system, however the recommended default location is $OIFS_HOME.
  • We provide a template for this configuration file in $OIFS_HOME/, which is a commented template of this configuration file.
  • You should edit this file and update the path set in variable OIFS_HOME with your installation's path.


The above command should also be include in any batch job scripts that are intended to run OpenIFS (described in Section 3))


$OIFS_HOME/ also contains a environment variables that relate to the SCM. These are discussed in <add link to SCM documentation>

 Build OpenIFS

In the next step the model binary executable (and other helper programs) will be built.



-c  creates source directory in $OIFS_HOME, which is used to bring all the sources, e.g. ifs-source, ifs-test and any packages in the bundle (ecbuild, eccodes etc.), together in preparation for the build

-b  builds the source. This step creates the directory build in $OIFS_HOME, which is used to to build and store

  • the OpenIFS double and single precision master executables (ifsMASTER.DP and ifsMASTER.SP, respectively) , which are used to run 3-D OpenIFS. The executables are located in  $OIFS_HOME/build/bin.
    • The location and name of the executable for OpenIFS is defined in the platform configuration file ( as $OIFS_EXEC.
  • the double and single precision Single Column Model (SCM) executables (MASTER_scm.DP and MASTER_scm.SP, respectively), which are used to run the SCM derived from OpenIFS. The executables are located in  $OIFS_HOME/build/bin.
    • The location and name of the executable for the SCM is defined in the platform configuration file ( as $SCM_EXEC.

-t will run the ifs-test t21 tests, which comprise of

  • 21 3-D OpenIFS forecast-only tests with and without chemistry
  • 1 SCM test (based on TWP-ICE)

If everything has worked correctly then all tests should have passed and the script returns the following
