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Code Block
$OIFS_TEST/ -cbt



$OIFS_TEST is defined in the platform configuration file ( as $OIFS_HOME/scripts/build_test 

and the command line options are


-c  creates source directory in $OIFS_HOME, which is used to bring all the sources, e.g. ifs-source, ifs-test and any packages in the bundle (ecbuild, eccodes etc.), together in preparation for the build

-b  builds the source. This step creates the directory build in $OIFS_HOME, which is used to build and store

  • the OpenIFS double and single precision master executables (ifsMASTER.DP and ifsMASTER.SP, respectively) , which are used to run 3-D OpenIFS. The executables are located in  $OIFS_HOME/build/bin.
    • The location and name of the executable for OpenIFS is defined in the platform configuration file ( as $OIFS_EXEC.
  • the double and single precision Single Column Model (SCM) executables (MASTER_scm.DP and MASTER_scm.SP, respectively), which are used to run the SCM derived from OpenIFS. The executables are located in  $OIFS_HOME/build/bin.
    • The location and name of the executable for the SCM is defined in the platform configuration file ( as $SCM_EXEC.

-t will run the ifs-test t21 tests, which comprise of

  • 21 3-D OpenIFS forecast-only tests with and without chemistry
  • 1 SCM test (based on TWP-ICE)

In addition to the command line options defined above (-cbt) , allows a user to add ecbuild options from command line using the -- notation, e.g., 

$OIFS_TEST/ -cbt --without-single-precision.

The main available options are
--arch=<add path of arch file>

  • Allows a user to over-ride $OIFS_ARCH loaded while sourcing

--without-single-precision or --without-double-precision 

  • By default both single and double precision executables are built. These options pertmit the exclusion of  double or single precision, which speeds up the build


  • Builds the executable in debug mode with bounds checking, some trapping and no compiler optimisation

If everything has worked correctly then all tests should have passed and the script returns the following
