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50min1st TownhallCeleste

Townhall SG Keynote Contents

  1. Brief presentation. Who is Celeste Saulo
  2. Building from our strengths, identifying our current limitations
  3. What kind of Organization do we aspire to be? Transforming words into action I
  4. Empowering regions:Transforming words into actions II
  5. Key aspects of leading flagship initiatives
  6. Staff wellness at the heart of a Secretariat motivated to serve others

Who I amis Professor Celeste Saulo, Secretary General of WMO

  • PhD in Atmospheric Sciences -
    University of Buenos Aires- Argentina
  • Professor at the UBA (30 years) - Head of Research Group
  • Director of the National Meteorological
    Service of Argentina (9 years)
  • WMO EC member, 2nd VP, 1st VP
  • (Since 2015)

WMO strengths

UN specialized agency with clear mandate: climate-weather-water-environment. We work based on science and solid information.

  • Long history engaging with country Members:
  • monitoring the earth system
  • sharing information
  • defining best practices
  • supporting operational and critical services,
  • promoting targeted science to improve infrastructure, service delivery and policymaking
  • contributing to capacity development, seeking to reduce the development gaps

Climate change, water and food security, energy transition, sustainability ARE CORE ISSUES for every country. Are core issues for HUMANITY. We are privileged to work for WMO.

Our current limitations within the organization

  1. Working in silos
  2. Lack of trust
  3. Too vertical
  4. Too bureaucratic

Our current limitations outside the organization:

  1. Slow at implementing
  2. Weak/loose interaction with partners and UN family Limited visibility
  3. Members not always on board


Dear SG, thank you for a compelling & inspiring talk. This resonates It resonated with me as leadership by example.  Two Three questions and or observations from me:

While I and the G3W-Team salute with enthusiasm a new era of Climate Action Support & Assessment (our CASA) at WMO. 

  1. What level of protection do you envisage for the communication aspects that can become target of organised actions. The example I can bring is the Climate Gate in 2010.
    WEF short term risk number case of 2010. Moreover, WEF identified that the short-term (2-year) risk number-1 is Misinformation & Disinformation. Digital & and Legal protections might be neededimportant assets for the New Era? Possibly Internal Training on Public Speaking on Climate Stakeholders might be helpful? Moreover I wish to highlight the The risks of us using ChatGPT and to speed-up communication for instance could entail Copyright infringment as recently flagged by the New York Times the New-York-Times-lawsuit?
  2. How can we succeed in working Working beyond NMHSs with Nations and working with the UNFCCC entities (see: G3W-UNFCCC-Reporting-Agencies (external link)) that are responsible for the GHGs Inventories and the National Determine Contributions, may require some . Possibly creative thinking is needed here as sometimes the “silos” working styles has have also secular ministerial roots. Those roots cannot will not be eradicated but may need some "clever gardeners" that can trim and save the plants plant, and nurture it and , so that when the spring season come have there might be flowers in blossom?
  3. What about contraddictoty SDGs? For instance SDG-1 and SDG-13 During and after your inspiring talk and in the Q&A there was reference to the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs. What about potential contraddictions of the SDGs (see Chakraborty 2023 Nature) ? For instance SDG-1 and 2 could sometimes be contraddictory with SDG-13, a clear example are poor rural community with access to natural resources such as coal or wood harvest of primary forests, that could potentially lift from poverty and hunger (in SDG-1 and 2 compliance) but will cause harm to the Climate and Environment. In absence of clarity that SDG-13 is "The golden goal", and some mechanisms of compensation and incentives to not extract coal and to not allow logging of primary forests, our communication will need to be mindful of the reality of poor and deprived areas that cannot comply with SDG-13 if they are left alone.

Action items

  •  Gianpaolo to discuss with Communications experts to investigate Training for Public Speaking for Climate-Change  
  •  Gianpaolo to send the Cambridge University Climate to Clare and Brigitte by