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Contributors: Contributors: A. Velazquez Blazquez N. Clerbaux (Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (RMIB)), N.Clerbaux (RMIB), E. Baudrez A. Velazquez Blazquez (RMIB)

Issued by: RMIB/Nicolas Clerbaux

Date: 1827/1211/20202023

Ref: C3SC3S2_D312bD312a_Lot1.

Official reference number service contract: 20182021/C3SC3S2_312b312a_Lot1_DWD/SC1

titleTable of Contents

Table of Contents

Easy Heading Macro

History of modifications

titleClick here to expand the history of modifications




Description of modification

Chapters / Sections





First version




Update to describe changes in the TCDR v2.0 and ICDR v2.x processing and validation


D2.5.8-v2.1 Note: In the contract, this deliverable had Delivery ID D2.5.8-v1.1


Update for changes in ICDR v2.x


List of datasets covered by this document



Document amended in line with feedback from independent review.


List of datasets covered by this document

titleClick here to expand the list of datasets covered by this document

Deliverable ID

Product title

Product type (CDR, ICDR)

Version number

Delivery date



3.20_v2.0 Note: In the contract, this deliverable was originally Earth Radiation Budget CERES TCDR v2.0 (OLR, RSF)


Earth Radiation Budget TSI_TOA TCDR















7.6 P1

Earth Radiation Budget TSI_TOA ICDR














2020 - onwards


Related documents

titleClick here to expand the list of related documents (D1-D6)

C3S Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document - Earth Radiation Budget TSI_TOA TCDR v2.0 + ICDR v2.x

Reference ID



Dewitte, S. and Nevens, S.




): The total solar irradiance climate data record. The Astrophysical Journal, 830(1), p.25.


Dewitte, S. and Clerbaux, N.




): Measurement of the earth radiation budget at the top of the


atmosphere - a review. Remote Sensing, 9(11), p.1143.


Karlsson, K.-G., et al., (2023) C3S Earth Radiation Budget

C3S Earth Radiation Budget CDRs releases until March 2023: Target Requirements and Gap Analysis Document.Copernicus Climate Change Service

Document ref. C3S2_D312a_Lot1.3.1.1-2022_TRGAD-ERB_v1.1

Last accessed on 26/01/2024


Clerbaux, N., Velazquez Blazquez, A. (RMIB), 2023, C3S Earth Radiation Budget TSI

Service: Product User Guide and Specification. Copernicus Climate Change Service,

Document ref. C3S2_D312a_Lot1.2.2.6-v1.0_202303


C3S Product User Guide and Specifications - Earth Radiation Budget TSI_TOA TCDR v2.0 + ICDR v2.x

Last accessed on 26/01/2024


Clerbaux, N., Velazquez Blazquez, A. (RMIB), 2023, C3S Earth Radiation Budget TSI

Service: Product Quality Assessment Report. Copernicus Climate Change Service,

Document ref. C3S2_D312a


C3S System Quality Assurance Document - Earth Radiation Budget TSI_TOA TCDR v2.0 + ICDR v2.x

Last accessed on 26/01/2024


Clerbaux, N., Velazquez Blazquez, A. (RMIB), 2023, C3S Earth Radiation Budget TSI

Service: Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document. Climate Change Service,

Document ref. C3S2_D312a_Lot1.2.2.5-v1.0_202303_ATBD_ECVEarthRadiationBudget_v1.1

Last accessed on 26/01/2024


C3S Product Quality Assurance Report - Earth Radiation Budget TSI_TOA TCDR v2.0 + ICDR v2.x


titleClick here to expand the list of acronyms




Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor


Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document


Atmospheric Laboratory for Applications and Science


Astronomical Unit


Copernicus Climate Change Service


Community Consensus Total Solar Irradiance


Climate Data Record


Climate Data Store


Compact Lightweight Absolute Radiometer


Draft ATBD


Climate and Forecast


Differential Absolute RADiometer


European Centre for


Medium-Range Weather Forecasts


Essential Climate Variable


Earth Radiation Budget


Earth Radiation Budget Experiment


Earth Radiation Budget Satellite


European Retrievable Carrier


Feng Yung


Global Climate Observing System


Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager


Interim Climate Data Record


Key Performance Indicator


Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics


Michelson Doppler Imager


Solar Constant Gauge




National Climatic Data Center


National Centers for Environmental Information


National Institute of Standards and Technology


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


Norwegian Satellite


Naval Research Laboratory


Naval Research Laboratory’s solar variability models for Total Solar Irradiance, version 2.


National Solar Observatory Photospheric magnetogram


Physikalisches und Meteorologisches Observatorium


Product Quality Assessment Document


Product Quality Assessment Report





Monitor Sensor


Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium


Root Mean Square


Spectral And Total Irradiance REconstructions




Irradiance Monitor

Dynamics Observatory


Solar Maximum Mission


Solar and Heliospheric Observatory


Solar Constant


Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment


Solar Variability


SOVA on Picard


Solar Variability Irradiance Monitor


System Quality Assessment Document


Thematic Climate Data Record


Temperature Control Flux Monitor


Total solar irradiance Calibration Transfer Experiment


Total Irradiance Monitor


Top Of Atmosphere


Target Requirements and Gap Analysis Document


Total Solar irradiance


Total and Spectral Solar Irradiance Sensor


Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite


Variability of solar IRradiance and Gravity Oscillations


World Radiation Center

Scope of the document

This Product Quality Assessment Document (PQAD) details how the Climate Data Records (CDRs) of the daily Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) have been validated prior to data release. These CDRs, part of the Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Earth Radiation Budget (ERB), are generated in the frame of C3S 312b-lot1 project as composites of different TSI instrument records.

The scope of this PQAD document is limited to the presentation of the quality assessment methodology and data used for this assessment. The results themselves are reported in the Product Quality Assurance Reports (PQAR) [D6], which are regularly updated to account for the inclusion of new data in the Interim Climate Data Record (ICDR).

Executive summary

The Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) quantifies the amount of solar energy that is received by the Earth. The TSI is defined as the amount of solar power that reaches the Earth per unit surface perpendicular to the Sun–Earth direction, reduced to the mean Earth-Sun distance (1 Astronomical Unit).

The Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) is a fundamental variable governing the climate system, and is recognized as ECV by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). Within the C3S, a long composite TSI record is constructed from measurements of an ensemble of space instruments. The measurements of the individual instruments are first put on a common radiometric scale, and their quality is assessed by intercomparison. Then, the composite time series is constructed as the average of the available measurements, on a daily basis. The full processing is described in the ATBD [D3] and SQAD [D5] and also in two journal papers [D1] and [D2].

In its version 2.0, the C3S daily TSI composite covers the time period from 1st January 1979 to 31st December 2018. The record is regularly updated as ICDR with increasing version number v2.x.

There are no reference observations that can be used for a direct validation of the TSI. Instead, the quality is assessed from intercomparisons with TSI records derived by other teams, based when possible on other input data.

In short, quality assessment involves an intercomparison with the NOAA NRLTSIv2 daily TSI CDR (Coddington et al, 2015), an intercomparison with the SATIRE-S (Yeo et al, 2014a and 2014b) record (available at, and also evaluation of the individual instrument timeseries with the composite CDR.

1. Validated products


List of figures

titleClick here to expand the list of figures

Figure 1-1: C3S composite daily TSI values (grey) and 121-day running mean (red). The 1361.0 W/m² line illustrates the stability of the solar minima.

Figure 2-1: NRLTSI2 daily values (grey) and 121-days running mean (horizontal line at 1360.45 W/m² to illustrate the stability of the solar minima). Only data from 1976 onward are shown.

Figure 2-2: SATIRE-S daily TSI values (grey curve) and 121-days running mean (red curve). The arbitrary horizontal line at 1360.75 W/m² is shown to highlight the change of TSI between the solar minima.

Figure 2-3: Community Consensus daily TSI values (grey curve) and 121-days running mean (red curve). An arbitrary horizontal line at 1361.2 W/m² is shown to highlight the change in the solar minima TSI values.

Figure 3-1: Evaluation of the DIARAD/VIRGO instrument timeseries. The green curve shows the adjusted daily TSI value of the instrument. The red part of the curve shows the daily TSI values which have been discarded following [D1]. The blue and orange curves show the corresponding 121-days running mean. The evaluation is performed with respect to the C3S and NRLTSIv2 121-days running mean values (thin black and red curves).

Figure 3-2: C3S TSI daily values (grey) and 121-days running mean (black). Running means for SATIRE-S (red), NRLTSI2 (green) and Community Consensus TSI (blue) are also shown.

Figure 3-3: Differences between the C3S v3.x composite and: SATIRE-S (green curve), NRLTSI2 (blue curve) and Community Composite TSI (red curve). The curves shown are 121-days running mean average. Also shown with horizontal lines are the mean biases over the CDR (+0.34, +0.31, -0.19 W/m² respectively).

Figure 3-4: Difference between the C3S v3.1 composite and NRLTSI2 daily values (black curve) and 121-days running mean (red curve). Also shown with horizontal lines are the 2.5% and 97.5% percentiles on the 121-days running mean difference (+0.120 and +0.537 W/m², respectively).

List of tables

titleClick here to expand the list of figures

Table 1-1: The instruments used in the C3S TSI v3.0 composite.

Table 3-1: Individual timeseries evaluation with respect to C3S v3.1 composite.

Table 3-2: Bias and bias-corrected Root Mean Square (bc-RMS) differences for the daily values and after 121-days running mean (based on preliminary v3.0 C3S composite).

General definitions


Total Solar Irradiance (TSI)

The Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) quantifies the total amount of solar energy that is received by the Earth.


It is defined


per unit surface perpendicular to the Sun–Earth direction at the mean Sun–Earth distance. The


TSI is a fundamental variable governing the climate system, and is recognized as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS).

Climate Data Store (CDS)

The front-end and delivery mechanism for data made available through C3S

Earth Radiation Budget (ERB)

The difference between the incoming radiant energy to the Earth (directly dependent on the TSI) and the outgoing radiant energy due to reflection and thermal emission.

Climate Data Record (CDR)

Sufficiently long, accurate and stable time series of a climate variable to be useful to address climate variability and change.

Interim Climate Data Record (ICDR)

An interim CDRs is an extension of a CDR that meets some timeliness requirements needed in some applications (e.g. “State of the Climate” reports). These preliminary data might not be fully validated and may need to be reprocessed before inclusion in the CDR.

Astronomical Unit (A.U.)

Unit of length equal to the mean distance between the center of the Earth and the center of the Sun.


Flux of radiant energy per unit area (usually expressed in W/m² unit).

Solar minima, quiet Sun

The 11-year solar cycle is characterized by periods of least solar activity called “solar minima” or “quiet Sun”, in which the average TSI is also minimum.

bright facula

A solar facula is a bright spot in the photosphere (this part of the Sun disk has higher TSI than normal).

dark sunspot, umbra and penumbra, network.

Opposite to a facula, a sunspot is a part of the Sun disk that appears darker (i.e. lower TSI) than its surrounding area. The sunspots can be decomposed in two main regions: the central umbra (with the lowest TSI) and the surrounding penumbra (with higher TSI than in the central umbra). The sunspots are often organized in network.

Bias and bias-corrected Root Mean Squared Difference

The bias (b) is the average value of the difference of the data (xi) with respect to a reference dataset (ri), where N is the number of data points :

b = \frac{1}{N} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} (x_i - r_i)

The bias-corrected Root Mean Squared Difference (bcRMSD) is the square root of the average of the square of the differences with respect to the reference dataset, once the bias (b) has been removed friom the data points (xi) (therefore “bias corrected”):

bcRMSD = \sqrt{\frac{1}{N} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} (x_i - b -r_i)^2}

Scope of the document

This Product Quality Assessment Document (PQAD) details how the Climate Data Records (CDRs) of the daily Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) are validated prior to data release. These CDRs, part of the Essential Climate Variable (ECV) Earth Radiation Budget (ERB), are generated at the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (RMIB) in the frame of the C3S2-312a-lot1 project as composites of different TSI space instrument records.

The scope of this PQAD document is limited to the presentation of the quality assessment methodology and data used for this assessment. The results themselves are reported in the Product Quality Assurance Reports (PQAR) [D5], which are regularly updated to account for the inclusion of new data in the Interim Climate Data Record (ICDR). However, for the sake of illustration of the methodology, preliminary results are also shown.

Executive summary

The Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) quantifies the amount of solar energy that is received by the Earth. This flux is defined per unit surface perpendicular to the Sun–Earth direction, reduced to the mean Earth-Sun distance (1 Astronomical Unit). The TSI is a fundamental variable governing the climate system, and is recognized as an ECV by the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS). Within the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S), a long time composite is constructed from measurements of an ensemble of space instruments. The measurements of the individual instruments are first put on a common radiometric scale, and their quality is assessed by intercomparisons with independent TSI reconstructions (SATIRE-S and NRLTSI2). Then, the composite time series is constructed as the average of the available measurements, on a daily basis. The full processing is described in the ATBD [D6] and also in two journal papers [D1] and [D2].

In its version 3.0, the CDR covers the time period from 1st January 1979 to 31st December 2020. This record is regularly extended with an Interim Climate Data Record (ICDR) reported as an increasing version “x” number v3.x (i.e., V3.1, V3.2, etc.).

There are no fiducial reference measurements that can be used for a direct validation of the TSI. Instead, the quality is assessed from intercomparisons with TSI records derived by other teams based, when possible, on independent input data. The quality assessment involves an intercomparison with the NOAA NRLTSI2 CDR (Coddington et al, 2015), an intercomparison with the SATIRE-S (Yeo et al, 2014a and 2014b), an intercomparison with the “Community Consensus” TSI composite and also the evaluation of the individual instrument timeseries with the C3S composite.

1. Validated products

The validated product is the version 3 of the daily TSI composite produced by the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium (RMIB) for the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) as part of the C3S2_312a_Lot1 contract. This Climate Data Record (CDR) is constructed from timeseries of daily TSI measured by an ensemble of space instruments. Currently 12 instruments are used in the composite as detailed in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1: The instruments used in the C3S TSI v3.0 composite.

InstrumentPlatformOperation periodReferences
ERBNimbus 71978 - 1993Hickey et al (1980)
ACRIM 1SMM1980-1989Willson et al. (1980)
ERBEERBS1984-2003ERBE (1986)
ACRIM 2UARS1991-2001Willson (1994)
DIARAD/VIRGOSOHO1996-presentDewitte et al. (2004)
PMO06/VIRGOSOHO1996-presentFroehlich et al. (1997)
ACRIM 3ACRIMSAT2000-2014Willson et al. (2003)
TIMSORCE2003-2020Kopp et al. (2005)
SOVAPicard2010-2014Dewitte et al. (2013a)
PREMOSPicard2010-2014Schmutz et al. (2012)
TIMTCTE2013-2019Kopp et al. (2016)
TIMTSIS-12018- presentKopp, G. (2020),

The method can be summarized as follow:

  • First, the 12 individual timeseries are quality checked by comparison with 2 models of the daily TSI, namely NRLTSI2 (see section 2.1) and SATIRE-S (see section 2.2).

  • Second, the measurements of the individual instruments are put on a common absolute scale using optimized radiometric correction factors. The factors are determined to maximize the consistency during the instruments’ overlap periods.

  • Lastly, the composite is created as an average of the available measurements, on a daily basis.

The method has been selected according to [D1] and is fully documented in the ATBD [D6]. The product is fully described in the Product User Guide and Specification (PUGS) document [D4].

The TSI timeseries can be accessed via the C3S Climate Data Store (CDS) at

Figure 1-1 shows the version 3.1 TSI composite, including the ICDR interim data from 01.01.2021 onward. The grey curve is the daily value while the red curve shows the 121-days running mean. To illustrate the stability of the record between the solar cycles, a horizontal line at the arbitrary value of TSI=1361 W/m² is shown.

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Figure 1-1: C3S composite daily TSI values (grey) and 121-day running mean (red). The 1361.0 W/m² line illustrates the stability of the solar minima.

2. Description of validating datasets

2.1 Naval Research Laboratory TSI version 2 (NRLTSI2)

This CDR was created at the Space Science Division of the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) in collaboration with the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) of the University of Colorado. The NRLTSI2 CDR is published as part of the NOAA CDR Program and is documented by Coddington et al. (2015, 2016).

In NRLTSI2, a model estimates the TSI from the observation of the bright faculae and the dark sunspots on the solar disk. A linear regression between these proxies of solar activity and the TIM/SORCE TSI was established and used in the reconstruction. The model assumes a quiet Sun TSI of 1360.45 W/m² (Kopp and Lean, 2011) as estimated from the TIM/SORCE measurement at solar minimum. The NRLTSI2 starts on 1st January 1882 and provides data until 30th September 2020 (at time of writing). New data are regularly added to the timeseries, on a quarterly basis. Figure 2-1 shows the NRLTSI2 daily TSI timeseries (from 1976 onward) as available at (at LASP) (NOAA/NCEI)

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Figure 2-1: NRLTSI2 daily values (grey) and 121-days running mean (horizontal line at 1360.45 W/m² to illustrate the stability of the solar minima). Only data from 1976 onward are shown.


The SATIRE-S (Spectral And Total Irradiance Reconstructions, Yeo et al, 2014a and 2014b) is a reconstruction of the TSI over the 1974-present-day period using full-disc magnetograms and continuum images of the Sun. It uses the data from the National Solar Observatory Photospheric magnetogram (NSO KP) (1974-1999), the SOHO/ Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) (1999-2009) and the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) (since 2010). These observations allow estimation of the fractional coverage of: quiet Sun, sunspot umbrae, sunspot penumbrae, faculae and network. A regression between these indices and the TSI is then derived and used in the reconstruction. The SATIRE-S data starts on 23rd August 1974 and data are provided until 23rd September 2022 (at time of writing). New data are regularly added to the timeseries. Figure 2-2 shows the SATIRE-S TSI timeseries as daily values (grey curve) and after 121-days running mean smoothing (red curve). An arbitrary horizontal line at a TSI value of 1360.75 W/m² is shown to highlight the change of the TSI between the solar minima. These changes are not fully consistent with other reconstructions and models (e.g. the NRLTSI2). This makes the SATIRE-S reconstruction not fully suitable to assess the C3S composite stability.

The SATIRE-S record can be accessed at

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Figure 2-2: SATIRE-S daily TSI values (grey curve) and 121-days running mean (red curve). The arbitrary horizontal line at 1360.75 W/m² is shown to highlight the change of TSI between the solar minima.

2.3 The Community Consensus TSI composite (CCTSI)

This record is not an independent record as it is based on almost the same ensemble of space instruments. The methodology to create the record is described in Dudok de Wit et al. (2017) and in Montillet et al. (2022).

Figure 2-3 shows the TSI composite created using the methodology of Dudok de Wit et al. (2017). The contributing instruments include the NIMBUS7, ACRIM1, ACRIM2, ERBS, VIRGO, ACRIM3, SORCE, PREMOS, SOVAP, TCTE, and TSIS-1. This list is identical to the one used in the C3S composite, except that the DIARAD/VIRGO is not considered in the community consensus TSI. The timeseries can be accessed at

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Figure 2-3: Community Consensus daily TSI values (grey curve) and 121-days running mean (red curve). An arbitrary horizontal line at 1361.2 W/m² is shown to highlight the change in the solar minima TSI values.

3. Description of product validation methodology

3.1 Individual timeseries evaluation

First, each of the individual timeseries for the different TSI instruments is visually inspected and compared with the C3S daily TSI composite and the NRLTSI2 reconstruction. This evaluation is performed to confirm the suitability of the data as discussed in the ATBD [D6]. In particular, this part of the quality assessment aims at confirming the rejection of some period(s) of the individual timeseries in the C3S composite. As an example, Figure 3-1 shows the evaluation of the DIARAD/VIRGO timeseries. Following the recommendation of the DIARAD/VIRGO team, the TSI data before 1st January 1997 have not been used in the C3S composite. Figure 3-1 shows that, indeed, this early part of the timeseries (red and orange curves) does not agree neither with the composite nor with the NRLTSI2 data. The green (daily) and blue (121-days running mean) curves are DIARAD/VIRGO data which are used in constructing the C3S composite. This part shows good agreement with the C3S composite and NRLTSI2.

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Figure 3-1: Evaluation of the DIARAD/VIRGO instrument timeseries. The green curve shows the adjusted daily TSI value of the instrument. The red part of the curve shows the daily TSI values which have been discarded following [D1]. The blue and orange curves show the corresponding 121-days running mean. The evaluation is performed with respect to the C3S and NRLTSIv2 121-days running mean values (thin black and red curves).

Such visual inspections are performed before each release of the C3S CDR and the plots, 12 in total, are provided and discussed in the Product Quality Assessment Reports (PQAR). In addition to the visual inspection, the following metrics are also estimated for each instrument with respect to the C3S composite (see details in the General Definitions section):

  • Average bias (W/m²)

  • Bias corrected RMS (bc-RMS) difference (W/m²).

The Table 3-1 gives the biases and RMS differences between the instruments (after scaling and selected) and the C3S v3.1 composite.

Table 3-1: Individual timeseries evaluation with respect to C3S v3.1 composite.






daily values



Nimbus 7















































3.2 Comparison with SATIRE-S, NRLTSI2 and Community Consensus TSI (CCTSI)

As shown in Figure 3-2, the daily TSI values in the C3S composite are compared with the NRLTSI2 and SATIRE-S reconstructions, and with the CCTSI composite. A visual inspection of the anomalies is also performed to assess the stability (Figure 3-3). However, the use of SATIRE-S to confirm the TCDR stability should be treated with caution given the apparent trend in the level of Quiet Sun TSI in the SATIRE-S reconstruction (see Figure 2-2) which is not present in the NRLTSI2 data.

In addition to these visual inspections, the following metrics are also estimated with respect to NRLTSI2, SATIRE-S and CCTSI:

  • Average bias (W/m²)

  • Bias corrected Root Mean Square (bc-RMS) difference (W/m²) for the daily values.

  • Bias corrected Root Mean Square (bc-RMS) difference (W/m²) after 121-days running means.

Table 3-2 provides these metrics, evaluated over the CDR period (01.01.1979 to 31.12.2020), for the preliminary data (final numbers will be provided in the PQAR [D5]).

Table 3-2: Bias and bias-corrected Root Mean Square (bc-RMS) differences for the daily values and after 121-days running mean (based on preliminary v3.0 C3S composite).





daily values

















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Figure 3-2: C3S TSI daily values (grey) and 121-days running mean (black). Running means for SATIRE-S (red), NRLTSI2 (green) and Community Consensus TSI (blue) are also shown.

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Figure 3-3: Differences between the C3S v3.x composite and: SATIRE-S (green curve), NRLTSI2 (blue curve) and Community Composite TSI (red curve). The curves shown are 121-days running mean average. Also shown with horizontal lines are the mean biases over the CDR (+0.34, +0.31, -0.19 W/m² respectively).

3.3 Key Performance Indicator (KPI) for the ICDR product

The ICDR period (01.01.2021 onward) is regularly evaluated by intercomparison with the independent NRLTSI2 reconstruction. As a Key Performance Indicator (KPI), it is verified that the TSI difference remains statistically consistent with the differences observed over the CDR period (01.01.1979 to 31.12.2020). To this end, the 2.5% and 97.5% percentiles of the difference are estimated over the CDR period, as illustrated in Figure 3-4. The 2.5% and 97.5% percentiles are +0.120 W/m² and +0.537 W/m², respectively. To reduce the dependency on the level of solar activity, the ICDR verification is performed on the 121-days running mean difference (red curve) and not the daily values (black curve).

The ICDR v3.1 data from 01.01.2021 to 30.09.2023 remains mainly within these percentiles.

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Figure 3-4: Difference between the C3S v3.1 composite and NRLTSI2 daily values (black curve) and 121-days running mean (red curve). Also shown with horizontal lines are the 2.5% and 97.5% percentiles on the 121-days running mean difference (+0.120 and +0.537 W/m², respectively).

4. Summary of validation results

The PQAR [D5] provides the full quality assessment of the C3S daily TSI composite v3.0 and its ICDR extension (v3.1). Additional information about requirements and gaps for the ERB dataset on TSI can be found in the Target Requirements and Gap Analysis Document (TRGAD) [D3].

In summary for the v3.0 and v3.1:

  • The individual timeseries evaluation (Table 3-1) confirms the values of the adjustment factors and validity periods determined in the ATBD [D6]. After adjustment, the (absolute) biases with respect to the composite remain well below 0.05 W/m² and the RMS difference decreased from about 0.18 W/m² for early instrument (e.g. ERB) to about 0.05 W/m² for the most recent instruments (e.g. TIM). The DIARAD/VIRGO and PMO06/VIRGO instruments, which provide the longest contributions to the CDR (with 8834 and 9063 daily values respectively), have RMS differences with the composite of about 0.12 W/m². The SOVAP instrument on the Picard platform is of significantly lower quality compared with the PREMOS instrument on the same satellite.

  • The comparison with the NRLTSI2 shows a significant overall bias of 0.34 W/m². This is much higher than the bias-corrected RMS difference of daily TSI value which is about 0.23 W/m² over the full TCDR period [1979-2020]). When calculated over a 121-day running mean, the temporal variation of the bias is limited to 0.85 W/m² over the entire period covered by the CDR which is more than double the value of the GCOS stability requirements of 0.3 W/m²/decade. It should be noted that most of the variation of the bias is observed over the early part of the CDR (01.01.1979 – 31.12.1982) and better stability is observed afterward (of the level of 0.4 W/m²).

  • The analysis of the differences with SATIRE-S and with the community consensus TSI shows significant temporal variation of the bias, in opposite directions. For this reason, these timeseries are not used for C3S stability assessment or for the ICDR quality check and KPI.

  • The results obtained over the ICDR period (1st January 2021 onward) are in general better than over the CDR period. This is explained by the higher quality of the space instruments which are currently observing the Sun, in particular the TIM instruments. Concerning the KPI, the ICDR period complies most of the time with the 2.5% - 97.5% percentiles interval.


Coddington, O., Lean J.L., Lindholm D., Pilewskie P., Snow M., and NOAA CDR Program (2015): NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Total Solar Irradiance (TSI), NRLTSI Version 2.

Coddington, O., Lean, J.L., Pilewskie, P., Snow, M. and Lindholm, D. (2016): A solar irradiance climate data record, Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97(7), pp.1265-1282.

Dewitte, S., Crommelynck, D., and Joukoff, A. (2004): Total solar irradiance observations from DIARAD/VIRGO, J. Geophys. Res., 109, A02102,

Dewitte, S., Janssen, E. and Mekaoui, S., (2013a): Science results from the SOVA-Picard total solar irradiance instrument, In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 1531, No. 1, pp. 688-691)

Dewitte, S. and Nevens, S., (2016): The total solar irradiance climate data record. The Astrophysical Journal, 830(1), p.25.

Dewitte, S. and Clerbaux, N., (2017): Measurement of the earth radiation budget at the top of the atmosphere - a review. Remote Sensing, 9(11), p.1143.

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In its version 2.0, the C3S daily TSI composite covers the time period from 1st January 1979 to 31st December 2018. The record is regularly updated as ICDR with increasing version number v2.x. This PQAD document includes ICDR v2.2 data up to 31st of October 2020.

The TSI timeseries can be accessed via the Copernicus Climate Data Store (CDS) at

2. Description of validating datasets

There are no reference observations that can be used for a direct validation of the C3S Total Solar Irradiances. The validation is therefore performed as intercomparison with two other datasets which are described in this section.


SATIRE (Spectral And Total Irradiance REconstructions) uses observed changes in dark sunspots and bright faculae, and some other manifestations of the solar magnetic field, to model the spectral and total solar irradiance.

The SATIRE-S record (Yeo et al, 2014a and 2014b) is a reconstruction of the TSI over the 1974-present-day period using full-disc magnetograms and continuum images of the Sun. These observations allow estimating the fractional coverage of: quiet Sun, sunspot umbrae, sunspot penumbrae, faculae and network. A regression between these indices and the TSI is then derived and used in the reconstruction.

The SATIRE-S data starts on 23rd August 1974 and provides data until 16th May 2020 (at time of writing). New data are regularly added to the timeseries. Figure 1 shows the SATIRE-S daily TSI timeseries which is available at


Image RemovedFigure 1: SATIRE-S timeseries as available from *. Green curve shows daily values and blue the 121-days running mean. The dashed black line at 1361 W/m² is shown to highlight* the variation of the solar minima ("quiet Sun") TSI in the SATIRE-S timeseries.

2.2 Naval Research Laboratory TSI version 2 (NRLTSIv2)

This CDR was created by Judith Lean (Space Science Division, Naval Research Laboratory), Odele Coddington and Peter Pilewskie (Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado). The NRLTSIv2 CDR is published as part of the NOAA CDR Program and is documented by Coddington et al. (2015, 2016).

In NRLTSIv2, a model estimates the TSI from the observation of the bright faculae and the dark sunspots on the solar disk. A linear regression between these proxies of solar activity and the TIM/SORCE TSI was established and used in the reconstruction. The model assumes a quiet Sun TSI of 1360.45 W/m² (Kopp and Lean, 2011) as estimated from the TIM/SORCE measurement at solar minimum. The NRLTSIv2 daily data starts on 1st January 1882 and provides data until 30 June 2020 (at time of writing). New data are regularly added to the timeseries, on a quarterly basis. Figure 2 shows the NRLTSIv2 daily TSI timeseries (from 1975 onward) as available at


Image RemovedFigure 2: NRLTSIv2 daily TSI timeseries (green curve) and 121-days running mean (blue curve) from 1975 onward. The dashed black line at 1360.45 W/m² is displayed to show the assumed quiet Sun TSI (Kopp and Lean, 2011) used in the NRL TSI v2 model.

3. Description of product validation methodology

3.1 Individual timeseries evaluation

First, each of the individual timeseries for the different TSI instruments is visually inspected and compared with the C3S daily TSI composite and the NRLTSIv2 record. This evaluation is performed to confirm the suitability of the data as discussed in the ATBD [D3]. In particular, this part of the quality assessment aims at confirming the rejection of some period(s) of the individual timeseries in the C3S composite. As an example Figure 3 shows the evaluation of the DIARAD/VIRGO timeseries. Following recommendation of the DIARAD/VIRGO team, the TSI data before 1st January 1997 have not been used in the C3S composite. Figure 3 shows that, indeed, this early part of the timeseries (red and orange curves) does not agree with the composite or the NRLTSIv2 data. The green (daily) and blue (121-days running mean) curves are DIARAD/VIRGO data which are used in constructing the C3S composite. This part shows good agreement with the C3S composite and NRLTSIv2.


Image Removed

Figure 3: Illustration of the individual timeseries evaluation, here for the particular case of the  DIARAD/VIRGO instrument. The green curve shows the adjusted daily TSI value of the instrument. The red part of the curve shows the daily TSI values which have been discarded following [D3]. The blue and orange curves show the corresponding 121-days running mean. The evaluation is performed wrt the C3S and NRLTSIv2 121-days running mean values (thin black and red curves).

Such visual evaluations are performed before each release of the C3S CDR (TCDR or ICDR) and the plots are provided in the Product Quality Assessment Reports (PQAR). In addition to the visual inspection, the following metrics are also estimated for each instrument with respect to the C3S composite:

  • Average bias (W/m²)
  • Root Mean Square (RMS) of the difference (W/m²)
  • Bias corrected RMS (bc-RMS) difference (W/m²).

3.2 Comparison with SATIRE-S

The daily TSI values in the C3S composite are compared with the SATIRE-S reconstruction. The bias, RMS and bc-RMS are estimated over the TCDR and ICDR periods.

A visual inspection of the anomalies is also performed to detect possible stability problem. However, the use of SATIRE-S to confirm the TCDR stability should be done with caution given the apparent trend in the level of Quiet Sun TSI in the SATIRE-S reconstruction (see Figure 1) which is not present in the NRLTSIv2 data.

3.3 Comparison with NRLTSIv2

The daily TSI values in the C3S composite are compared with the NRLTSIv2 reconstruction. The bias, RMS and bc-RMS are estimated over the TCDR and ICDR periods. A visual inspection of the anomalies is also performed to detect possible stability problem.

4. Summary of validation results

The PQAR [D6] provides the full quality assessment of the C3S daily TSI composite v2.0 (01/01/1979 – 31/12/2018) and its ICDR extension v2.2 (01/01/2019 -31/10/2020).

In summary for TCDR v2.0 and ICDR v2.2:

  • The individual timeseries evaluations confirm the values of the adjustment factors and validity periods determined in the ATBD [D3]. After adjustment, the (absolute) biases with respect to the composite remain below 0.1 W/m² and the RMS difference goes from about 0.18 W/m² for early instrument (ERB) down to about 0.04 W/m² for the most recent TIM instruments. The DIARAD/VIRGO and PMO06/VIRGO instruments, which provide the longest contributions in the CDR (with respectively 7871 and 7515 daily values), have RMS difference with the composite of about 0.09 W/m².
  • The comparison with the NRLTSIv2 shows a significant overall bias of 1.4 W/m², much higher than the bias-corrected RMS difference of daily TSI value which is about 0.25 W/m² over the full TCDR period (1979-2018). After a 121-days running mean, the most significant temporal variation of the bias remains limited to 0.8 W/m²/decade ( or ~0.06%/decade) over the entire period covered by the TCDR which is higher the GCOS stability requirements of 0.01 %/decade (~0.14 W/m²/decade).
  • Comparison with SATIRE-S provides similar results in terms of overall bias and RMS. However, a significant temporal variation of the bias is here observed which could indicate a problem of stability. However, this change is likely due to change in quiet Sun TSI level in the SATIRE-S record.
  • The results obtained over the ICDR period (1st January 2019 onward) are in general better than over the TCDR period. This is explained by the higher quality of the space instruments which are currently observing the Sun, in particular the 3 TIM instruments.


Coddington, O., Judith L. Lean, Doug Lindholm, Peter Pilewskie, Martin Snow, and NOAA CDR Program (2015): NOAA Climate Data Record (CDR) of Total Solar Irradiance (TSI), NRLTSI Version 2. [1984-2020]. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. doi:10.7289/V55B00C1

Available at:

Coddington, O., Lean, J.L., Pilewskie, P., Snow, M. and Lindholm, D., 2016: A solar irradiance climate data record. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97(7), pp.1265-1282.

Dewitte, S. and Nevens, S. (2016). The total solar irradiance climate data record. The Astrophysical Journal, 830(1), p.25.   

Dewitte, S. and Clerbaux, N., (2017). Measurement of the earth radiation budget at the top of the atmosphere—a review. Remote Sensing, 9(11), p.1143.


Yeo K.L., Krivova N.A., Solanki S.K., Glassmeier K.H. (2014a)


: Reconstruction of total and spectral solar irradiance from 1974 to 2013 based on KPVT, SoHO/MDI and SDO/HMI observations


, Astron. Astrophys., 570, A85




Yeo K.L., Krivova N.A., Solanki S.K. (2014b): Solar cycle variation in solar irradiance


, Space Sci. Rev.



SATIRE-S TIS dataset:


This document has been produced in the context of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S).

The activities leading to these results have been contracted by the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, operator of C3S on behalf of the European Union (Delegation agreement Agreement signed on 11/11/2014 and Contribution Agreement signed on 22/07/2021). All information in this document is provided "as is" and no guarantee or warranty is given that the information is fit for any particular purpose.

The users thereof use the information at their sole risk and liability. For the avoidance of all doubt , the European Commission and the European Centre for Medium - Range Weather Forecasts have no liability in respect of this document, which is merely representing the author's view.
