Versions Compared


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The user can also select customized regions which can be defined using the “user defined” option in the regions selector. This option allows defining a new region by clicking on the “pencil” button and drawing a polygonal line. This creates an offline job which is executed by a queue system passing through different states (such as pending and running), until completion. Jobs are displayed at the bottom of the display panel as shown in Figure 6 (bottom) and regional products can be explored when the job is completed, clicking on the “eye” icon labeled as (1) in the figure.

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Note that, for the sake of simplicity, this functionality is only available in the standard Robinson projection (the application switches the projection automatically when selecting this option). The calculation of the regional mean is performed using the underlying data model (grids with regular lat-lon coordinates, that will be soon available from the CDS catalogue), applying a cosine latitude weighting.

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Figure 6. Display panel showing a global map for the default selection (mean temperature changes for 2º global warming) and the selection of (top) predefined and (bottom) customized regions. The panel on the top shows the predefined Mediterranean region selected (from the IPCC AR6 reference regions) with the button “regional information” to display the different graphical products for regional information. The bottom panel shows the definition of a customized region Figure 6. Display panel showing a global map for the default selection (mean temperature changes for 2º global warming) and the selection of (top) predefined and (bottom) customized regions. The panel on the top shows the predefined Mediterranean region selected (from the IPCC AR6 reference regions) with the button “regional information” to display the different graphical products for regional information. The bottom panel shows the definition of a customized region created over Iberia drawing a polygonal; in this case the option is first “create a job” to launch a job to compute the requested information. All jobs will be available from the “job” button appearing in the right toolbar of buttons; regional information would be displayed when clicking in the “eye” icon in the corresponding job in the list.  The details of the job, including the machine-readable definition of the selected region (in WKT format) are available when clicking in the the "?" icon.

Different aspects of regional information are displayed using different graphical products  (see Figure 7): 1) time series, 2) climate stripes, 3) annual cycle plots, and 4) seasonal climate stripes; all these graphical elements are dynamically updated when changing the choices in the selection panel.



Note: The following categories are used for the changes below: 

  • edit (typos and minor issues), 
  • change (improving existing elements), (improving existing elements), 
  • error (substantial amendments).

Changes and fixes can correspond to the different elements of the Atlas: 

  • documentation (doc, both for the online Atlas information and the dataset documentation),
  • data,
  • Atlas.

New features are indicated with a special tag (new-feature).

  • error (substantial amendments).

Changes and fixes can correspond to the different elements of the Atlas: 

  • documentation (doc, both for the online Atlas information and the dataset documentation),
  • data,
  • Atlas.

New features are indicated with a special tag (new-feature).

VersionChanges description

Version 1.3 


  • (error-Atlas) Error in customized regional products:  Customized regions are now available only in the standard Robinson projection, since there was a bug in the definition of regions in other projections producing wrong results for the corresponding spatially aggregated data in some cases. This has been documented in Section 2.3 of this document.
  • (change-Atlas) Changes in menu navigation: Unavailable options have been disabled (grayed out) instead of hiding them. In line with other C3S tools (e.g., dataset widgets), the variables are disabled (and not suitable for selection) until the choice that forces them to be disabled is undone; e.g. the choice of the dataset conditions the variables available for analysis. 
  • (edit-Atlas) Seasonal tags Winter, etc. have been expanded to Winter (DJF), etc. to provide complete information.
  • (change-Atlas) Cookies: This version fixes a bug that in some cases prevented data from being sent to Google Analytics even if the user accepted it.

Version 1.2 

  • (error-Atlas) Wrong trend units:
VersionChanges description

Version 1.2


  • Trend units are "per decade" (this information was missing and is now indicated on the labels of maps and regional products).
  • (change-Atlas) File export: The exported NetCDF/Tiff files include the full geographic domains available (in the previous version, trimmed versions were exported in some cases). 

Version 1.1


  • (new-feature) Including versions' section in user guidance: Included information about periodic updates in a "Versions" link in the Atlas next to the "User Guidance"
  • (error-Atlas) Google analytics: The first version collected data from google analytics prior to accepting the cookies. This has been fixed and no data is collected prior to acceptance. 
  • (error-doc) Reference period: The reference period used to compute the inter-annual variability threshold for the advanced uncertainty method is 1971-2005, which is the common historical period for all projection datasets (the period "1850-1900" included originally in the online Atlas information was wrong).
  • (error-doc) Information on PET version: The method for computing the PET component of the SPEI index is Thornthwaite (the online Atlas information wrongly included Hargreaves).
  • (change-doc) Improving index documentation: The dataset documentation of non-direct indices has been improved providing further details on the definition and calculation. 
  • (change-Atlas) Displaying uncertainty for relative changes: Uncertainty was not displayed for relative changes (the uncertainty mask is the same for both absolute and relative, but is was disabled for relative changes).
  • (change-Atlas) Removing an incomplete baseline period: The 1961-1990 baseline option has been removed for CORDEX datasets, since data was incomplete in this period. This affects the maps for changes and global warming levels (time series were already available from 1970). 
  • (change-Atlas) Customized regional products: Computation of large regions have been optimized to reduce computing time and some configuration problems resulting in job failure for some datasets have been fixed. 
  • (edit-Atlas) Typo: A typo in filenames of exported timeseries regional product has been fixed ("timeseries" instead of "timeserie"). 
  • (edit-Atlas) Layout: The button for closing the left side has been moved higher up, since the footer covered it partially.
  • (edit-Atlas) Typo: Typo when hovering to the download icons ("mas" instead of map and truncated info for NetCDF/Tiff).

Version 1.0


First version of the C3S Atlas launched.

Known-problems and update plans: We are working in the following known problems to include fixes in the coming versions:


  • Optimize layouts of exported PDF/PNG figures.
  • Unavailable options (e.g. variables not available for a particular dataset) will been disabled (grayed out) instead of hiding them.
