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  • Discuss updates as of and ongoing work.

Discussion items

GGMTOxana Tarasova 
  • August 5-9 Meeting. Around 70 participants onsite and 50 online
  • Brazil Science & Education Minister and INPE Director participated.
  • COP30 Connections are welcome to be established via Luciana Gatti
  • GGMT India or South-Africa are SAG proposed destinations for next meeting
  • GGMT was Technical focus meeting.  Share-drive will be provided by Oksana.
  • G3W Table for compatibility goals should be independent from GAW
  • GGMT will revise Chapter 16/17 of the recommendation of GAW, attach it to RRR
  • Guidance on stable isotope to be updated.
  • COS and Radon measurements discussions to be updated.
  • iCO2 Conference to become biannual.
  • Survey/Mapping on who does OSSEs for Network Design is important (G3W Modelling TT)
  • Oksana Tarasova to share the presentations and the paper on OSSEs. 
  • Check if requirements of the Indian OSSEs are useful for G3W
  • Actions: Recommendations on GAW Technical Report recommendations
  • Actions: GAW Research community measurements techniques.
  • Actions: Exhibitions of GHGs measurements providers.
  • Joshua Campbell present as HMEI to connect on RRR and help define fit for purpose sensors
  • Low-cost sensors require a joint effort from
    • Research-grade cost reducing over time
    • Industry-grade precision upgrading over time
  • Picarro, Miro-Bruker, Li-Cor, ABB-Group-Los-Gatos
  • Empa - glatec - MiroBruker
  • There is appetite on Network design 

ProjectsOxana Tarasova 
  • BAMBOO potential to demo AIRIS sensors has 6 stations. 
    • Half a year of data. Trasported CO2.
    • CO C14 COS CO2 measured on the sites.
    • October meeting relevant for G3W
  • ICOS-Cities partner from SI. Barcelona 
    • 7-10 April 2025 Urban GHG C1 book together with IG3IS. ICOS Cities.
    • Global Urban GHG work. 2025 
    • Action: IPCC urban reports 
    • Jocelyne already engaged as national 

Bin Qu 
  • G3W deliver in the next 2-4 years will builds on 
    • Data-access as the foundation of G3W
    • Operational-vocation as the distinction element of G3W
  • G3W technical expertise is clustered 
    • Guidance on insitu data requirements (G3W-Network)
    • Mechanisms of data exchange (G3W-Data)
    • Methods for data integration (G3W-Modelling)
  • G3W R2O transition will need 4-levels of activities 
    • Compliance level via WIGOS Manual
    • Governance level via WMO-INFCOM/SERCOM
    • Competence-based training via GAW/WMO 
    • Financial level via WMO-RMS
  • G3W frameworks will need 2-areas 
    • Technical Regulatory Framework
    • Strategic Engagement Framework
  • G3W mapping of existing Observations
    • Library & Publications search, find the PIs

Somyung Yeo 
  • G3W Website ready for deployment
  • Podcast from G3W is proposed to extent beyond the Secretariat with VH/Greg
  • G3W website on WMO
  • G3W task-teams 

Action items
