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       Conference room

9.30 : Erland Källén (ECMWF).  
          Welcome & introduction.

9.45 : Glenn Carver (ECMWF)
          Workshop overview & organisation.

10.00 : Roberto Buizza (ECMWF).  Keynote lecture
            The ECMWF ensembles

10.30 - 11.00 Coffee/tea

11.00 : Tim Palmer (U.Oxford). Keynote lecture
            More accuracy with less precision: recognizing the crucial role of uncertainty for developing high-res NWP systems
            (joint with UEF meeting in lecture theatre)

11.30 : Hannah Christensen (U.Oxford).
            Stochastic and perturbed parameter representations of model uncertainty in convection parametrisation

11.50 : Aneesh Subramanian (U.Oxford).
            Impact of stochastic- and super-parameterisation of convection on precipitation in the ECMWF model

12.10 : Nick Klingaman (U.Reading).
            The MC-KPP ocean model: Efficient, flexible and accurate atmosphere-ocean interactions for global coupled modelling

12.30 : Noureddine Semane (Météo Maroc).
            Convection and waves on Small Earth and Deep Atmosphere



14.00 : Linus Magnusson (ECMWF). Briefing on the St Judes storm

14.15 : Sándor Kertész (ECMWF). Metview introduction to exercises


Conference room

14.10 : Heikki Järvinen (U.Helsinki).
            Laboratory course in numerical meteorology at the University of Helsinki.

14.30 : Anne Fouilloux (U.Oslo).
            The UIO Galaxy based Geoportal: OpenIFS use case.

14.50 : Gabriella Szépszó (Met.Hu).
            Using OpenIFS to describe specific weather events at the Carpathian Basin.

15.15 - 15.45 : Tea / coffee

15.45 : Siarhei Barodka (Belarus State U.)
            Prospects of stratosphere-troposphere interactions research with OpenIFS at NOMREC BSU.

16.05 : Victoria Sinclair (U.Helsinki)
            Effect of tropical sea surface temperatures on cyclone-related meridional moisture transport in the southern hemisphere.
