Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

When a variable is needed at submission time, it is first sought in the task itself. If it is not found in the task, it is sought from the task's parent and so on, up through the node levels until found. For any node, there are two places to look for variables. The user-defined variables are looked for first, and then any generated variables.
At present, an undefined variable causes a task to abort immediately, without submitting a job. ecflowview will display this failure in the info-window.
Example of Variable inheritance

Code Block
suite x


 edit TOPLEVEL 10


 edit MIDDLE 10


 edit LOWER 10


 family f


   edit MIDDLE 20




     edit LOWER abc
   task t2
 family f2
   edit TOPLEVEL 40
   task z

This would produce the following results:
Table 4 1 Results of variable inheritance
