Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The format of the files is described here.

Pattern for file names

yyyymm _ cccc _ PARAM .svs[. zzz ]
yyyymm is year and month of the calendar month data are relevant for;
cccc is the 4-character WMO identifier of the originating centre
(ammc=Melbourne, cwao=Montreal, dems=New Delhi, ecmf=ECMWF, edzw=Offenbach, egrr=Exeter, kwbc=Washington, lfpw=Toulouse, rjtd=Tokyo, rksl=Seoul, rums=Moscow, ...);
PARAM is the string identifying the parameter:


Include Page


List of parameters
List of parameters


zzz is optional suffix labelling used compression:
