Versions Compared


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Versions in use at ECMWF 

 Linux workstations (13.1)lxclxopEcgateDate
Default user version2.
New test version2.
Old back-up version2.


Magics Version 2.29.6 - 19 October 2016   [branch:master  tag:2.29.6]

part of the  October 2016 Software release.


  • [MAGP-858]  Fix bug in implementation of contour_hi 
  • [MAGP-849] Improve handling of missing values in NetCDF.
  • [MAGP-864] Improve Tailored observation plotting [MAGP-864]
  • [MAGP-860] Add more parameters to handle epsbox plotting
  • [MAGP-859]  Fix bug in EPSG:4326

Magics Version 2.29.6 - 2 September 2016   [branch:master  tag:2.29.6]


  • A contour_line_colour_rainbow parameter  has been introduced, allowing the user to specify a different colour for each isoline.There are 2 ways to specify the list of colours to use, the setting being very similar of the colour settings for shading:define the list, or let Magics computes the list given a max and min colour.

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Code Block
 mcont(contour_level_selection_type = "interval",
	contour_line_colour_rainbow_max_level_colour = "red",
	contour_line_colour_rainbow = "on",
	contour_highlight = "off",
	contour_line_colour_rainbow_direction = "clockwise",
	contour_line_colour_rainbow_min_level_colour = "blue",
	contour_line_colour_rainbow_method = "calculate",
	contour_interval = 1.00)


  • A contour_automatic_setting parameter has also been introduced, if set to ecchart, Magics will try to match the parameter with one of the predefined ecChart style.

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Code Block
mcont(contour_automatic_setting = "ecchart")


  • Robinson and lambert_north_atlantic projections have been added. Please, Inform us if you require new ones.

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Image Modified


Fixed problems:
  •  A serious bug has been fixed in computing the position of text and legend box in magml and magjson: this can need  some adjustement in positioning
  •  The display_mode block and inline have been deprecated in MagML.
  • The legend layout has been adjusted.
