Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



OpenIFS ftp site

All the OpenIFS related files files related to the OpenIFS models are available from the ftp site: If you do not have ftp site password, please email : Only licensed institutes are provided with access.

The OpenIFS distribution includes models are distributed as compressed tarfiles and include source code, datafiles and supporting software. Once logged into the ftp site you will see the following directories:

Contents of ftp.ecmwf.intDescription
data/OpenIFS data files; climate files, vtables, rtables and namelist.
src/openifsOpenIFS source code tar files.
src/scmSingle Column model code and files.
src/osm-htesselOffline Surface
Model (HTESSEL) code and files.
metviewMetview macros for use with OpenIFS.
user_workshopsFiles used in OpenIFS user workshops.

User group specific space. Model runs provided for groups will be found here.

Contents of directory src/openifs:Description
38r1/Contains OpenIFS versions based on Cycle 38 Release 1 of IFS.
40r1/Contains OpenIFS versions based on Cycle 40 Release 1 of IFS


To obtain the source code from the ftp site, change directory to the '38r1' directory and retrieve the latest source code (the filename may be different):



Code Block
% ftp
user: openifs
cd src/openifs/38r1
get oifs38r1v04.tar.gz
get oifs38r1v04_docs.tar.gz

% tar zxf oifs38r1v04.tar.gz
% tar zxf oifs38r1v04_docs.tar.gz 


OpenIFS git repository

A git repository for OpenIFS is hosted by ECMWF. This is intended for developers and contributors to the OpenIFS model and is not generally accessible.


To unpack the files either use the tar zxf command if your version of tar supports the 'z' option, or use gunzip followed by tar xf.


Code Block
% mkdir oifs/ifsdata
% cd oifs/ifsdata

% ftp
Connected to
Name ( openifs
331 User openifs OK. Password required
ftp> cd data
ftp> prompt
Interactive mode off.
ftp> mget ifsdata_*
ftp> quit

% tar zxf ifsdata_climatology.tar.gz
% tar zxf ifsdata_cy38_climate.tar.gz
% tar zxf ifsdata_rtables.tar.gz
% tar zxf ifsdata_vtables.tar.gz
% rm *.tar.gz
% ls
38  38r1  climatology  namelist  rtables  vtables

Additional software

OpenIFS users may also find the Metview and MAGICS graphics software useful with OpenIFS.
