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Specifies the releases as a group of FLEXPART Release icons. 

Receptor units

Specifies the concentration units at the receptor. For forward simulations this the units of the output concentrations. For backward simulations ????? The possible options are mass (mass concentrations) and mixr (mass mixing ratio). The default value is mass. 


Specifies the time constant for particle splitting in secondsformat. Particles are split into two after every N seconds given here. If -1 is given here particle splitting is not used. The default value is -1 (no splitting).


All processes are synchronized with this time interval, therefore, all other time constants must be multiples of this value. Output interval and Output Averaging Interval must  be at least twice of this value. The default value is 900.


Specifies the ???the factor by which the time step must be smaller than the Lagrangian time scale (TL). CTL must be >1 for time steps shorter than the Lagrangian time scale. If CTL<0, a purely random walk simulation is done. The default value -4.


Specifies the reduction factor (as an integer) for the time step used for vertical wind. The default value is 4.


Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

Subgrid Terrain

Enables subgridscale terrain parametrization (increase of mixing heights due to subgridscale orographic variations) (on or off). The default value is off.


Enables convection parametrization (on or off). The default value is off.

Age Spectra


Output For Each Release

Specified whether output should be generated for each release separately (on or off).


For backward simulations it must be set to off. The default value is off.

Output For Each Release


Quasi Lagrangian

Specifies whether particles should be numbered individually (on) or identified by the release location number (off). The default value is off



Domain Fill

he first box specified in file RELEASES is used

    as the domain where domain-filling trajectory calculations are to be done.

    Particles are initialized uniformly distributed (according to the air mass

    distribution) in that domain at the beginning of the simulation, and are

    created at the boundaries throughout the simulation period.

Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

Quasi Lagrangian

Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

Nested Output

Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.

Write Initial Conditions

Specifies the list of height levels of the gridded output. The levels are given in metres units. The default value is an empty list.



12.IPOUT determines whether particle positions are outputted (in addition

   to the gridded concentrations or mixing ratios) or not.

   0=no output, 1 output every output interval, 2 only at end of the




16. If IPIN=1, a file "partposit_end" from a previous run must be available in

    the output directory. Particle positions are read in and previous simulation

    is continued. If IPIN=0, no particles from a previous run are used


17. IF IOUTPUTFOREACHRELEASE is set to 1, one output field for each location

    in the RLEASE file is created. For backward calculation this should be

    set to 1. For forward calculation both possibilities are applicable.



19. If MDOMAINFILL is set to 1, the first box specified in file RELEASES is used

    as the domain where domain-filling trajectory calculations are to be done.

    Particles are initialized uniformly distributed (according to the air mass

    distribution) in that domain at the beginning of the simulation, and are

    created at the boundaries throughout the simulation period.


20. IND_SOURCE switches between different units for concentrations at the source

    NOTE that in backward simulations the release of computational particles

    takes place at the "receptor" and the sampling of particles at the "source".

          1=mass units (for bwd-runs = concentration)

          2=mass mixing ratio units

21. IND_RECEPTOR switches between different units for concentrations at the receptor

          1=mass units (concentrations)

          2=mass mixing ratio units


22. MQUASILAG indicates whether particles shall be numbered consecutively (1) or

    with their release location number (0). The first option allows tracking of

    individual particles using the partposit output files


23. NESTED_OUTPUT decides whether model output shall be made also for a nested

    output field (normally with higher resolution)


24. LINIT_COND determines whether, for backward runs only, the sensitivity to initial

    conditions shall be calculated and written to output files

    0=no output, 1 or 2 determines in which units the initial conditions are provided.

Enables the domain fill mode. The possible values are as follows:

  • none
  • full: in this mode the the particles are not released at specific locations but the 3D-volume of the first release is taken and the particles are uniformly distributed in the volume proportionally to air density.Each particle will receive the same mass, altogether accounting for the total atmospheric mass. Subsequently, particles can move freely in the atmosphere.
  • o3 tracer: in this mode domain-filling is to simulate a stratospheric ozone tracer. This option is similar to fill option, but only particles in the stratosphere (defined by PV < 2 pvu) are released.

The default value is none.

Dump Particle Position

Enables dumping the particle positions. The possible values are none, output (at every output time) and end (only at the end of the simulation). The default value is none.


Enables computing sensitivity to initial conditions in backward simulations. The possible values are none, mass (mass concentration units) or mixr (mass mixing ratio units). The default value is none.