Versions Compared


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 Linux workstations (13.1)lxclxopEcgateDate
Default user version2.
New test version2.
Old back-up version2.


Magics Version 2.32.0 - 23


March 2017   [branch:master  tag:2.32.0]

  • Improvement

    • [MAGP-913] - Add a new method to define colour for shading ...
      A new method is being implemented to simplify the setting of colourmap. This will be really nice in Metview.
    • [MAGP-929] - Geopoints coordinates expressed in Proj4 projection
      GeoPoints can now be experessed using a proj4 string representation. The represenation should be expressed in the header using the keyword #PROJECTION.
      Ex : 



      #PROJECTION +proj=laea +lat_0=48.0 +lon_0=9.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +units=m +a=6378388 +b=6378388

      x/long  y/lat   value


      739500.0    -237500.0   1

      740500.0    -236500.0   1
