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This tutorial explains how to create a new experiment from an existing one by copying the initial files and setting up the experiment directory.


ECMWF operates a Cray based High Performance Computing Facility (HPCF). It consists of two identical Cray XC40 clusters with their own storage, but with equal access to the high performance working storage of the other cluster. This provides the benefit of having one very large system but the dual clusters add significantly to the resiliency of the system.

Each cluster has 20 cabinets of compute nodes and 13 cabinets of storage. The compute nodes contain two Intel Xeon "Broadwell" processors each with 18 cores. Four compute nodes sit on one blade, sixteen blades sit in a chassis and there are three chassis per frame. This gives a maximum of 192, or 6,912 processor cores per cabinet.

For more details about the ECMWF HPCF, please see:

titleOn this page...

Table of Contents


Each group or participant will have a training user account on the ECMWF system, beginning with 'troifs'. This is different from the user account on the classroom computers.

First login to the ECMWF gateway computer. From here you will login to the HPCF.

Code Block
ssh		               # substitute your user id for XX's password:              # give your password when prompted using the securID hardware token (one time password)

Next login to the Cray login nodes:

Code Block
ssh cca


This section will explain how to copy and change the experiment id.

 Initial Initial files for the observed SST experiment, 'ob00', and the climatological SST experiment 'clim', have been created and are made available in the directory : /perm/rd/openifs/oifs_workshop_2017/expts-inidata/


ob00/2015110100 to ob00/2015110100 etc.


You do not need to run these experiments, the forecasts from a 10 member ensemble are made available on the classroom computers.

Copy previous experiment initial files

Before creating the experiment, we first need to create the initial data. If you plan to rerun the ob00 or clim experiments and use the initial data 'as-is' you can skip this step.


First step is to make a copy of the ob00 data to your /scratch directory:

Code Block
titleCopy previous initial data from previous experiment...
cd scratch				# starting from your home directory
mkdir -p inidir/ob01 	# our new experiment id
cd inidir/ob01
cp -rL /perm/rd/openifs/oifs_workshop_2017/expts-inidata/ob00/2015110100 .		# those last characters are a 'space' and then a 'fullstop', '.' means "here".


Ignore any errors about files not being copies because of permission problems.

Code Block
titleTo copy multiple dates. Example 1: first 5 days
cd inidir/ob01
cp -rL /perm/rd/openifs/oifs_workshop_2017/expts-inidata/ob00/2015110[1-5]* .

Please only copy the initial dates you intend to use. Each date uses 0.5 Gbyte of file storage.

Code Block
titleTo copy multiple dates. Example 2: copy all dates
cd inidir/ob01
cp -rL /perm/rd/openifs/oifs_workshop_2017/expts-inidata/ob00/201511* .   # this will be slow!


Use the 'grib_ls' command to examine the initial files:

Code Block
grib_ls ICMGGob00INIT
grib_ls ICMSHob00INIT


The command 'exptid' can be used to check and change the experiment id in the GRIB files.

Code Block
titleConfirm experiment id contained in GRIB files..
troifs0@cca-login3:> cd inidir/ob01/2015110100
troifs0@cca-login3:> exptid ICMSHob00INIT
In file ICMSHob00INIT, values of key experimentVersionNumber are:


This can also be seen using the 'grib_ls' command to list the contents of the file:

Code Block
troifs0@cca-login3:> grib_ls -p shortName,typeOfLevel,dataDate,experimentVersionNumber ICMSHob00INIT
shortName                typeOfLevel              dataDate                 experimentVersionNumber  
t                        hybrid                   20151101                 ob00                    
t                        hybrid                   20151101                 ob00                    
t                        hybrid                   20151101                 ob00  

The 'exptid' and 'grib_ls' commands can also be used for multiple files:

Code Block
troifs0@cca-login3:> exptid ICM*
In file ICMCLob00INIT, values of key experimentVersionNumber are:
In file ICMGGob00INIT, values of key experimentVersionNumber are:
In file ICMGGob00INIUA, values of key experimentVersionNumber are:
In file ICMSHob00INIT, values of key experimentVersionNumber are:


Use the exptid command to set the new experiment id to 'ob01':

Code Block
troifs0@cca-login3:> exptid -n ob01 ICM*ob00*
Changing expid from 'ob00' to 'ob01' for ICMCLob00INIT and writing to new file ICMCLob01INIT.
Changing expid from 'ob00' to 'ob01' for ICMGGob00INIT and writing to new file ICMGGob01INIT.
Changing expid from 'ob00' to 'ob01' for ICMGGob00INIUA and writing to new file ICMGGob01INIUA.
Changing expid from 'ob00' to 'ob01' for ICMSHob00INIT and writing to new file ICMSHob01INIT.

Verify the command worked by checking the experimentVersionNumber in the new files:

Code Block
troifs0@cca-login3:> exptid *ob01*
In file ICMCLob01INIT, values of key experimentVersionNumber are:
In file ICMGGob01INIT, values of key experimentVersionNumber are:
In file ICMGGob01INIUA, values of key experimentVersionNumber are:
In file ICMSHob01INIT, values of key experimentVersionNumber are:

To save space, you can delete the ob00 files (these will always be available in the directory where they were copied from)

Code Block
troifs0@cca-login3:> rm ICM*ob00*
rm: remove regular file `ICMCLob00INIT'? y
rm: remove regular file `ICMGGob00INIT'? y
rm: remove regular file `ICMGGob00INIUA'? y
rm: remove regular file `ICMSHob00INIT'? y


To setup the experiment directory structure, use the 'createEX' command. To see what arguments it takes, use the command:

Code Block
titleGet list of options...
createEX -h

The most basic form of the command is:

Code Block
createEX --date 2015110100 -e ob00


Following the creation of the initial files for the experiment id 'ob01' given above, let's create a forecast experiment with 5 ensemble members for a single forecast date:

Code Block
troifs0@cca-login3:~> createEX -d 2015110100 -e ob01 -i scratch/inidir -m 5

which generates the output:

Code Block
Creating directory structure for experiment ob01 in directory /scratch/ectrain/troifs0/ob01/...
Date :  2015110100
Copying files from directory (inidir):  scratch/inidir
Date:  2015110100
Created forecast experiment directory : /scratch/ectrain/troifs0/ob01/2015110100/00/
Linking files and copying namelist.
Using IFS data directory: /fwsm/lb/project/openifs/ifsdata/
Created forecast experiment directory : /scratch/ectrain/troifs0/ob01/2015110100/01/
Linking files and copying namelist.
Using IFS data directory: /fwsm/lb/project/openifs/ifsdata/
Created forecast experiment directory : /scratch/ectrain/troifs0/ob01/2015110100/02/
Linking files and copying namelist.
Using IFS data directory: /fwsm/lb/project/openifs/ifsdata/
Created forecast experiment directory : /scratch/ectrain/troifs0/ob01/2015110100/03/
Linking files and copying namelist.
Using IFS data directory: /fwsm/lb/project/openifs/ifsdata/
Created forecast experiment directory : /scratch/ectrain/troifs0/ob01/2015110100/04/
Linking files and copying namelist.
Using IFS data directory: /fwsm/lb/project/openifs/ifsdata/
Created forecast experiment directory : /scratch/ectrain/troifs0/ob01/2015110100/05/
Linking files and copying namelist.
Using IFS data directory: /fwsm/lb/project/openifs/ifsdata/
All done: /scratch/ectrain/troifs0/ob01/ ready.


If we look at in the directory: /scratch/ectrain/troifs0/ob01/2015110100, we see:

Code Block
troifs0@ccb-login3:> cd scratch/ob01/2015110100
troifs0@ccb-login3:> ls
00  03  ICMCLob50INIT   ICMSHob50INIT  specwavein       wam_subgrid_0
01  04  ICMGGob50INIT   cdwavein       uwavein          wam_subgrid_1
02  05  ICMGGob50INIUA  sfcwindin      wam_grid_tables  wam_subgrid_2

Each member will be run in the numbered directories:  "00", "01", "02", "03", "04", and "05". These contain:

Code Block
troifs0@ccb-login3:> ls -l 00
total 16
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   52 May 25 18:15 255l_2 -> /fwsm/lb/project/openifs/ifsdata/40r1/climate/255l_2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   16 May 25 18:15 ICMCLob50INIT -> ../ICMCLob50INIT
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   16 May 25 18:15 ICMGGob50INIT -> ../ICMGGob50INIT
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   17 May 25 18:15 ICMGGob50INIUA -> ../ICMGGob50INIUA
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   16 May 25 18:15 ICMSHob50INIT -> ../ICMSHob50INIT
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   11 May 25 18:15 cdwavein -> ../cdwavein
-rw-r----- 1 troifs0 ectrain 9886 May 25 18:15 fort.4
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   49 May 25 18:15 ifsdata -> /fwsm/lb/project/openifs/ifsdata/40r1/climatology
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   40 May 25 18:15 rtables -> /fwsm/lb/project/openifs/ifsdata/rtables
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   12 May 25 18:15 sfcwindin -> ../sfcwindin
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   13 May 25 18:15 specwavein -> ../specwavein
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   10 May 25 18:15 uwavein -> ../uwavein
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   18 May 25 18:15 wam_grid_tables -> ../wam_grid_tables
-rw-r----- 1 troifs0 ectrain 2220 May 25 18:15 wam_namelist
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   16 May 25 18:15 wam_subgrid_0 -> ../wam_subgrid_0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   16 May 25 18:15 wam_subgrid_1 -> ../wam_subgrid_1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 troifs0 ectrain   16 May 25 18:15 wam_subgrid_2 -> ../wam_subgrid_2


For our 'ob01' experiment, this command would create all the jobs, correctly configure the namelist and submit the job. There will be 5 jobs, one forecast for each ensemble member:

Code Block
titleUse this command from the home directory to submit all the ensemble forecasts...
troifs0@cca-login3:~> run_all_ens -e ob01 -d scratch/ob01 -q


This will produce lengthy output like this:

Code Block
Ensemble member: 05
<       NENSFNB=5,
>       NENSFNB=0,                 ! Ensemble forecast number
Running command: oifs_run -e ob01 -x 1 -q
Copied /home/ectrain/troifs0/bin/cce-opt/master.exe to current directory
Using existing namelist in : fort.4
OpenIFS job created: job1
Submitted job: 8430146.ccapar


The random seed is also date dependent. This means that for the same date and same ensemble member, the forecast is reproducible. But for the same ensemble member starting from a different date/time, the random seed will be different.

titleKey ensemble namelist variables:
CTYPE="pf",        ! the type of forecast: 'pf=perturbed', 'cf=control'. The control (unperturbed) forecast is only used in medium-range forecasts, not in seasonal forecasts.
NENSFNB=2,         ! the ensemble member number. 
LSTOPH_SPBS=true,  ! enables the stochastic backscatter scheme in the model dynamics. This is only used in medium-range forecasts and will be 'false' for seasonal forecasts.
LSPSDT=true,       ! enables the stochastic scheme for the physics tendencies.

The only namelist variable that needs changing in these experiments is NENSFNB, which the run_all_ens command does for you.

Create and submit Cray batch job


During the course of the model run, files with names like ICMGGob01+00000, ICMGGob01+00012 etc will appear in the ensemble experiment member directory.

These are the model output files. There is 1 per output intervalstep. In these experiments the output interval is every 12 hours. It can be changed in the namelist, fort.4 but it's strongly recommended for these workshop, to keep the output interval at 12 hrs as this saves storage space.


Using your favourite text editor, check this file to make sure the model has run correctly.  It's usually best to start from the bottom of the file and scroll up.

If you see:

Code Block


titleContents of output directory after successful run

When the model completes the forecast successfully, the following files will be found in the output directory. Files with '+' in the name are the model output files. ICMSH are the spectral fields, ICMGG are the gridpoint fields.

ICMGGoifs+000000  ICMGGoifs+000048  ICMGGoifs+000096  ICMGGoifs+000144  ICMSHoifs+000016  ICMSHoifs+000064  ICMSHoifs+000112  ICMSHoifs+000160  oifs.log

ICMGGoifs+000016  ICMGGoifs+000064  ICMGGoifs+000112  ICMGGoifs+000160  ICMSHoifs+000032  ICMSHoifs+000080  ICMSHoifs+000128  NODE.001_01

ICMGGoifs+000032  ICMGGoifs+000080  ICMGGoifs+000128  ICMSHoifs+000000  ICMSHoifs+000048  ICMSHoifs+000096  ICMSHoifs+000144  ifs.stat

ICMGGclim_10u  ICMGGclim_ci    ICMGGclim_lsp   ICMGGclim_sd    ICMGGclim_sst   ICMGGclim_stl4   ICMGGclim_swvl3  ICMGGclim_tsr   ICMSHclim_sp  NODE.001_01

ICMGGclim_10v  ICMGGclim_cp    ICMGGclim_msl   ICMGGclim_slhf  ICMGGclim_stl1  ICMGGclim_str    ICMGGclim_swvl4  ICMGGclim_ttr   ICMSHclim_t   ifs.stat

ICMGGclim_2d   ICMGGclim_e     ICMGGclim_nsss  ICMGGclim_sshf  ICMGGclim_stl2  ICMGGclim_swvl1  ICMGGclim_tcc    ICMSHclim_d     ICMSHclim_vo  oifs.log

ICMGGclim_2t   ICMGGclim_ewss  ICMGGclim_q     ICMGGclim_ssr   ICMGGclim_stl3  ICMGGclim_swvl2  ICMGGclim_tp     ICMSHclim_lnsp  ICMSHclim_z

Postprocessing: preparing files for Metview


The next step is to take the output of the successful run and prepare it for the Metview based exercises.


Code Block
titleCheck filesystem quota (on Cray)..

whicih which will produce output similar to the following. The '$SCRATCH' quota is important as this is the total limit for the filesystem /scratch where your experiments are stored.
