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GFAS version 1.2


GFAS data includes: Fire Radiative Power (FRP), dry matter burnt and biomass burning emissions.

Data are available at global horizontal resolution of 0.1 degrees from 2003 to present. The features of the current version of GFAS (GFAS v1.2) are:

  • Injection height daily data (Mean altitude of maximum injection and Altitude of plume top) as provided by a Plume Rise Model
  • Pixel based quality control for MODIS/Aqua and Terra and SEVIRI observations
  • Statistical regression of the output when assimilating only Aqua or Terra observations so as to preserve consistency with data obtained assimilating Aqua and Terra observations

The gridded satellite data (stream=gfas, type=gsd) are also available hourly (e.g. gridded Aqua FRP from 1 to 2 UTC). Those may be browsed through the GFAS catalogue and then retrieved via Web-API.

List of GFAS parameters

Gridded plume rise model parameters

short nameunitsParameter ID
Mean altitude of maximum injectionmamim119.210
Altitude of plume topaptm120.210
GFAS analysis surface parametersshort nameunits
parameter id
Parameter ID
Wildfire flux of Carbon Dioxideco2firekg m-2 s-180.210
Wildfire flux of Carbon Monoxidecofirekg m-2 s-181.210
Wildfire flux of Methanech4firekg m-2 s-182.210
Wildfire flux of Non-Methane Hydro-Carbonsnmhcfirekg m-2 s-183.210
Wildfire flux of Hydrogenh2firekg m-2 s-184.210
Wildfire flux of Nitrogen Oxides NOxnoxfirekg m-2 s-185.210
Wildfire flux of Nitrous Oxiden2ofirekg m-2 s-186.210
Wildfire flux of Particulate Matter PM2.5pm2p5firekg m-2 s-187.210
Wildfire flux of Total Particulate Mattertpmfirekg m-2 s-188.210
Wildfire flux of Total Carbon in Aerosolstcfirekg m-2 s-189.210
Wildfire flux of Organic Carbonocfirekg m-2 s-190.210
Wildfire flux of Black Carbonbcfirekg m-2 s-191.210
Wildfire overall flux of burnt Carboncfirekg m-2 s-192
.210Wildfire fraction of area observedoffiredimensionless97.210Wildfire radiative powerfrpfire

W m-2

Wildfire combustion ratecrfirekg m-2 s-1100.210
Wildfire flux of Sulfur Dioxideso2firekg m-2 s-1102.210
Wildfire Flux of Methanol (CH3OH)ch3ohfirekg m-2 s-1103.210
Wildfire Flux of Ethanol (C2H5OH)c2h5ohfirekg m-2 s-1104.210
Wildfire Flux of Propane (C3H8)c3h8firekg m-2 s-1105.210
Wildfire Flux of Ethene (C2H4)c2h4firekg m-2 s-1106.210
Wildfire Flux of Propene (C3H6)c3h6firekg m-2 s-1107.210
Wildfire Flux of Isoprene (C5H8)c5h8firekg m-2 s-1108.210
Wildfire Flux of Terpenes (C5H8)nterpenesfirekg m-2 s-1109.210
Wildfire Flux of Toluene_lump (C7H8+ C6H6 + C8H10)toluenefirekg m-2 s-1110.210
Wildfire Flux of Higher Alkenes (CnH2n, C>=4)hialkenesfirekg m-2 s-1111.210
Wildfire Flux of Higher Alkanes (CnH2n+2, C>=4)hialkanesfirekg m-2 s-1112.210
Wildfire Flux of Formaldehyde (CH2O)ch2ofirekg m-2 s-1113.210
Wildfire Flux of Acetaldehyde (C2H4O)c2h4ofirekg m-2 s-1114.210
Wildfire Flux of Acetone (C3H6O)c3h6ofirekg m-2 s-1115.210
Wildfire Flux of Ammonia (NH3)nh3firekg m-2 s-1116.210
Wildfire Flux of Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS) (C2H6S)c2h6sfirekg m-2 s-1117.210
Wildfire Flux of Ethane (C2H6)c2h6firekg m-2 s-1118.210
Mean altitude of maximum injectionmamim119.210Altitude of plume topaptm120.210
Wildfire Flux of Toluene (C7H8)c7h8firekg m-2 s-1231.210
Wildfire Flux of Benzene (C6H6)c6h6firekg m-2 s-1232.210
Wildfire Flux of Xylene (C8H10)c8h10firekg m-2 s-1233.210
Wildfire Flux of Butenes (C4H8)c4h8firekg m-2 s-1234.210
Wildfire Flux of Pentenes (C5H10)c5h10firekg m-2 s-1235.210
Wildfire Flux of Hexene (C6H12)c6h12firekg m-2 s-1236.210
Wildfire Flux of Octene (C8H16)c8h16firekg m-2 s-1237.210
Wildfire Flux of Butanes (C4H10)c4h10firekg m-2 s-1238.210
Wildfire Flux of Pentanes (C5H12)c5h12firekg m-2 s-1239.210
Wildfire Flux of Hexanes (C6H14)c6h14firekg m-2 s-1240.210
Wildfire Flux of Heptane (C7H16)c7h16firekg m-2 s-1241.210

Gridded satellite parameters

short nameunitsParameter ID
Wildfire viewing angle of observationvafiredegrees79.210


Wildfire fraction of area observedoffiredimensionless97.210
Number of positive FRP pixels per grid cellnofrp
Wildfire radiative powerfrpfire

W m-2

Wildfire radiative power maximummaxfrpfireW101.210

Gridded satellite variables are raw satellite data averaged and gridded to hourly 0.1 degree grid fields.

Analysis surface variables are output from the GFAS data assimilation.

Satellite and instruments identifiers

SatelliteInstrumentSatellite IDInstrument ID
GoesE (GEOS13)imager257615
GoesW (GEOS15)imager259615


Before downloading data, users must accept the Copernicus CAMS data licenceThen

GFAS data access

Access to the archive is either:

  • via the web using the ECMWF data server web interface:
  • or through WebAPI, which is the method allowing users to download CAMS data in a programmatic way (using Python - example scripts are available).

GFAS data file format

GFAS File format is GRIB. See What are GRIB files and How to read or decode a GRIB file for more information.


The latest daily Fire Radiative Power (FRP) analysis from GFAS is available here
