Versions Compared


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 Linux workstations Laep (42)lxclxopEcgateDate
Default user version2.
New test version23.340.032.340.032.340.032.340.30
03 Oct
Old back-up version2.

  Very old Version 

Magics Version 3.0.0 -     [branch:master  tag:3.0.0]

New Features - Improvments:

  • Visualisation of the Netcdf-CF has been simplified

  • Improvment of the new colour setting gradients
  • Python3 Ready

    • [MAGP-787] - Bug fixes on the colour gradients : can now be used in metview
    • [MAGP-902] - Offer Python3 interface
    • [MAGP-989] - Implement functionaility to plot cyclone database geoJSON output
    • [MAGP-848] - Enable the possibility to create 1, 4 or 9 threads to produce the contouring
    • [MAGP-856] - Use Python distutils to install Python modules
    • [MAGP-901] - Move Python interface from swig to ctypes
    • [MAGP-915] - Netcdf : handle the time dimesion setting in a better way : ie interpret the CF conventions
    • [MAGP-987] - Guess netcdf types
    • [MAGP-1012] - Add Contributions of Meteo-France


  • [MAGP-610] - Spurious coastline along dateline from South Pole to coast
  • [MAGP-614] - magics does not compile if numpy is missing, but python is present
  • [MAGP-909] - Plotting over the date line doesn't work with Web Mercator projection (EPSG:3857)
  • [MAGP-1002] - Mercator projection: no Administrative Boundaries and the default geographical area is an extended globe
  • [MAGP-1013] - Check Shading and isoline : double call

Magics Version 2.34.3 -     [branch:master  tag:2.34.3]


  • [MAGP-955] - Allow user to load a specific shape file as coastlines layers.
  • [MAGP-962] - Improve labelling of grid in mollweide and robinson projection, add the possibility to add a frame around these 2 projections.


  • [MAGP-870] - Mercator projection does not allow to set a subdomain or large domain
  • [MAGP-959] - Problem with classic Metgram plot with Magics
  • [MAGP-961] - Fix the setting of colours for magjson when graph_type=area
  • [MAGP-965] - Fix issue with shading and level_list


  • [MAGP-904] - Continuous legend
  • [MAGP-943] - Python interpreter crashes when invalid file name is given
  • [MAGP-948] - Improve use of json files as input of graph



  • [MAGP-931] - Plotting of winds on rotated_ll grids does not work
  • [MAGP-932] - the parameter map_label_latitude_frequency does not seem to be taken into account fro polar stereographic projection.
  • [MAGP-944] - Marker shading: does not clear between subsequent plots
  • [MAGP-945] - Wind thinning at the edge of the grid is not correct


    • [MAGP-892] - NetCDF: visualisation of a multi-dimensional variable where the last 2 dimensions are (lon,lat) gives a wrong result
    • [MAGP-930] - Title: add support for Meteosat 8
  • Bug

    • [MAGP-502] - Coloured wind arrows with a third field gives wrong or empty plot
    • [MAGP-877] - Projection: polar stereographic view with rotation
    • [MAGP-888] - Latitudes not written along central longitude on the map
    • [MAGP-914] - Check the grid in polar south !
    • [MAGP-927] - Magics library bug -> function round() clashes with the round() function of
